Friday, March 28, 2014

March 27 - Sickies

Andlie had a hard night at the bar last night.  But really, we had a rough day.  Andlie's "neck hurt" (AKA she had a sore throat) and her nose was runny and she is finishing up pink eye.  Haze has a cough & runny nose.  Nora has a stuffy nose & pink eye.  Luckily, we have a TV, a couch, and our blankies.

Haze was feeling much better by 3:00 and was fully ready to play with the Daddy Monster when he got home from work!  I think the Daddy Monster was ready too!

By the end of the day & after a few eye drops, Nora was feeling better too and looking cute as ever after her bath.

Cheers to (almost) no more sickies!"

March 26 - Lavender Blossoms

Andlie is officially part of the Lavender Blossoms!  She played in her very first soccer game tonight!  She did great!  Kicked the ball several times & even helped score a goal!  When she wasn't kicking, she was running her fastest arm-waving, leg galloping run.  OR, she was hopping around & dancing about like a little piece of popcorn.  She  made a couple of new friends who "taught her how to play soccer."  Her coach is wonderful.  She loved every minute!  Looking forward to a fun season!

Haze enjoyed two of his most beloved things: playing on Daddy's phone & watching "Turbo."  Nora also joined us, but she was asleep & cozy in her stroller all bundled up.  (No more cold weather, Mother Nature!)

March 25 - Happy

Always a happy girl.  Smiling in the sunshine.

Eating at his favorite restaurant - outside.  Enjoying the sunshine.

March 24 - Good-Bye

Saying good-bye is hard.  We love our family so much and we had such a wonderful time with them!  We are part of a pretty awesome family.  Thanks for coming!

March 23 - Day 4

Haze woke up early & visited Grama & Grampa & snugged in their bed.
Snuggled with Bret & watched cartoons.
Had a tea party with Grama.
Went to the temple & walked around.  Brothers picked up me & Dad & carried us around while our legs dangled.
Went to church.  Haze & Mom snuck a selfie while changing his poop.
Ate lunch.  Andlie made some Cheeto lipstick.
Hung out with Bryce.
Painted with Grama.
Went on a long walk around the block.
Said good-bye to Grama, Grampa, & Bret.
Ate cereal.
Watched, "Jungle Book."
Andlie & Daisey wore matching jammies.
Haze went rock climbing on the air mattress.
Kids went to bed.  Adults played card games for a while.

March 22 - Day 3

Had family pictures!  (First time in 5 years that we've had a family picture taken!)
Ate lunch at Wendy's.  Andlie & Daisey ate at the special Grama table with her.
Daddy, Andlie, & Haze stopped in at Cabela's to see the fishies while Nora & Mommy stayed in the car so Nora could eat.
Celebrated Daisey's birthday with a party at the park!
Boys went shopping at the Nike Outlet.  Girls & kids stayed home & played.
Kids went to bed & adults watched, "The Saratov Approach."

March 21 - Day 2

Haze woke up early & visited Mandy on the couch for an hour.
Bryce came to visit!  Kids adore Bryce.
Had a picnic of Mac 'n Cheese outside.
Played outside.
Haze & Daisey played Hide 'n Seek.
Nora looked cute.
Prepared for Daisey's birthday party - wrapped presents, made cupcakes, checked out fun places to party.
Grama, Grampa, & Bret arrived!
Went on a walk & played at the park.
Andlie & Bret posed like a couple of gangstas.
Ate Grama's homemade pizza.  Mmmmmmmm.
Had a trio bath!
Watched "Frozen" again with Grama, Grampa, & Bret.

March 20 - Day 1

Mandy, Tim, and Daisey arrived today!

Met them at Temple Square.
Came home & had dinner.
Admired how cute Nora is.
Watched "Frozen," and fell asleep.

March 19 - Haze

Haze watched me pump a bottle for Nora tonight and then he took his turn pumping.

That little boy has his Momma's heart.  He is a determined boy.  If he is not getting something he wants, he'll scream & cry & keep saying, "Please right now!" over & over again.  At least once a day, he'll stop playing & say, "Momma, I love you."  Never stops melting my heart.  His favorite movie right now is, "Turbo," which is about a snail that races really fast.  He rides his bike and his little legs get going really fast and he shouts, "I go fast like Turbo!"  That bike.  He loves that bike.  I love his little legs to pedal fast & hear the squeak of the bike.  It makes my heart happy.  He makes me laugh every day.  Before he learned to ride his bike fast, he'd try pedaling, get frustrated, & say, "Mom, I am making me frustrated!"  When he had a stuffy nose last week, he asked me to "blow his face."  After he had a bite of his Frosty last night, he said, "Mmmmm!  Tastes like Fruit Ninja!"  Speaking of Fruit Ninja, this boy is addicted to anything with a screen.  He loves to play games on the iPad (Fruit Ninja & Puzzles are his current faves).  But, ending the screen time always ends with the above said, "Please right now!!!!!!"  He is a total boy.  He walks around the house kicking stuff and he just barely rolled his cart down the stairs while I was typing this.  He loves outside.  He eats every meal he has permission to out there.  It's his favorite place to be.  He throws dirt around, kicks trees, throws rocks, gets dirty, finds bugs.  Read: He is a total boy.  He has the sweetest heart.  He always wants to say his own prayer after anyone else says a prayer - at meals, bed, whenever.  After we all say, "Amen," he'll say, "My turn!"  He loves his sister.  If Andlie is not in sight, he will always ask, "Where Annie go?"  He even loves Nora now and lovingly calls her "Baby No-ah."  He is my buddy.  When we go pick up Andlie from preschool, he jumps out of his seat, crawls up to the front seat, and visits me until she comes out the door.  His smile is magic & can cure any sadness, anger, frustration, or any other emotion other than happiness.  He is a boy after his Mommy's heart.  And I'm pretty sure he is totally winning in that department.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 18 - Frozen

Bryan went and stood in line at Wal-Mart at midnight for his little princess so she could wake up & find her favorite movie of all time waiting for her.  We watched it three times today.  She's one lucky princess.

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day Outfits

Kids woke up to a treasure hunt that led them to some small, green presents.
Green pancakes & milk for breakfast!
Green Sprite for lunch!
Green arts & craft time.
Making green cookies!
Green Mac 'n Cheese for dinner!
Green rice for chicken and rice - Mommy & Daddy's dinner.
Green cookies with green frosting and green sprinkles for FHE treat!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

March 16 - Happy Secrets

It warms my heart to see Haze & Nora telling secrets and laughing about them.

March 15 - Saturday

Nora tried the Bumbo for the first time today!

Daddy & Hazey went to Lowe's to get some more sandbox sand.  Haze enjoyed him a little tractor ride before they made it home.

Andlie wrote a story tonight!  She drew all the pictures and then narrated to me while I wrote what she was saying.  The book says:

The Dragon, Prince, and Princess
The prince saved the princess. 
The prince tried to save the princess but it was too late. 
The prince tried to save her but the dragon was in the way. 
The dragon got on the castle and the prince did not save her. 
The dragon blocked the way and the prince couldn't save the princess. 
But the dragon flew away and the prince kinda saved her a little bit because he was standing right by her. 
The dragon was going to get the princess. 
The dragon was close by and the prince was by her. 
The dragon flew off and they were safe as new. 
And they lived happily ever after.

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14 - Super Heros

Super Girl/Cat Woman & Teletubby Fireman to the rescue!

"Thanks for keeping our neighborhood safe, super heros!"

March 13 - Park

Everyone is happy at the park!  Welcome, Spring!

March 12 - Helmets & Bikes

It's been such a wonderful week to play in the sunshine outside!  Today we took the chance to wear helmets & ride bikes!

March 11 - Hiding

Haze is hiding.  And you'll never not ever ever find him.

March 10 - Monday

Made a hopscotch this morning.  Mommy drew the squares and Andlie drew the numbers.

Haze has been loving the red bike this year!  I asked him to smile.  He made kissy face instead.

Sweetest thing in the entire world.

March 9 - Blessed

Today was Nora's special day!  She got blessed!

She shared her big day with Bret and his big day - his mission report!
Wore the same dress & shoes that both Mommy & Andlie were blessed in.
Her headband was made by Mommy's cousin.
She was blessed at the Rock Church in Cedar City by her Daddy.
Daddy gave a wonderful & beautiful blessing.
Something that really stuck out in her blessing was that she was blessed to be a friend to the friendless.
She cried during her entire blessing.
She was her pleasant, happy self for the rest of the entire day.
We had pink heart sugar cookies for her part of the lunch after church.
Everyone kept commenting on how darling & pretty & happy she was!

Happy blessing day, sweet baby girl!  We love you so much!  You are one of our true joys in life!

March 8 - Fun in Cedar

Played in our jammies at Grama & Grampa's house.
Fed the little lambie at Granny's house.
Played with cousins at Granny's house.
Met Shennie for the first time!
Visited Grandma 'Rene's house.  Sad without Grandma 'Rene there.
Dug holes & caught worms with Bryce!
Had lasagna dinner at Mindy's house.
Made cute faces on Grama's bed.
Had a wonderful day in the sunshine & hanging out with family!

March 7 - In The Flesh

We made it to Cedar tonight!  And guess who we got to see in the flesh?!  Bret Goodwin!!  Welcome home, Brettie!

March 6 - Technology Lover

Haze + Technology = Love.  That boy loves him some screen time.  Today, his choice was the Dinosaur Puzzle Game.  He was much too busy to look up for a picture, or as he would put it, "Mom!  Don't say that to me!"

March 5 - Bed Head & Lova

Snapped a quick picture of Haze's awesome bed head!  I love that he is such a blondie!

And, this is a picture of Nora & her new pal, Lova.  (Pronounced "Love-a."  As in, "Bryan is my lova.")  Andlie brought her doll out of hiding & has given her a name & started toting her around (and breastfeeding her) like she is her child.  Andlie is Lova's Mommy.  And I am Nora's Mommy.  And, Nora & Lova are BFF.  Obviously.

March 4 - Getting Big

Nora is getting too big too fast.  She has already outgrown her little froggie in the tub and her headrest in her carseat.  Time goes by way too fast.

In other news, Nora doesn't hate baths any more!

March 3 - Scottish

We are preparing for Uncle Bret to return home from his mission in Scotland around our house.  Today we tried on the "Welcome Home from Scotland" wig.

March 2 - Adorable-ness

Can you think of anything cuter?  Because I can't.  

Well, maybe two other things that are tied with this cute thing.  

Man, we have cute kids.

March 1 - Burger Time

You better sit down for this one.  Andlie ate a "burger" tonight.  First time ever.  It was actually an Arby's Jr. Roast Beef sandwich.  She totally enjoyed it and scarfed it down too!  Here's how I got her to eat it: "Andlie, you only eat five things - hotdogs, peanut butter sandwiches, chicken nuggets, pizza, and tacos.  Maybe you should eat more things so you can grow big & be big enough for Kindergarten."  So she ate a burger!  And guess what?  She even said it was good!

"Say!  I like green eggs and ham roast beef sandwiches!  I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!"