Friday, March 28, 2014

March 19 - Haze

Haze watched me pump a bottle for Nora tonight and then he took his turn pumping.

That little boy has his Momma's heart.  He is a determined boy.  If he is not getting something he wants, he'll scream & cry & keep saying, "Please right now!" over & over again.  At least once a day, he'll stop playing & say, "Momma, I love you."  Never stops melting my heart.  His favorite movie right now is, "Turbo," which is about a snail that races really fast.  He rides his bike and his little legs get going really fast and he shouts, "I go fast like Turbo!"  That bike.  He loves that bike.  I love his little legs to pedal fast & hear the squeak of the bike.  It makes my heart happy.  He makes me laugh every day.  Before he learned to ride his bike fast, he'd try pedaling, get frustrated, & say, "Mom, I am making me frustrated!"  When he had a stuffy nose last week, he asked me to "blow his face."  After he had a bite of his Frosty last night, he said, "Mmmmm!  Tastes like Fruit Ninja!"  Speaking of Fruit Ninja, this boy is addicted to anything with a screen.  He loves to play games on the iPad (Fruit Ninja & Puzzles are his current faves).  But, ending the screen time always ends with the above said, "Please right now!!!!!!"  He is a total boy.  He walks around the house kicking stuff and he just barely rolled his cart down the stairs while I was typing this.  He loves outside.  He eats every meal he has permission to out there.  It's his favorite place to be.  He throws dirt around, kicks trees, throws rocks, gets dirty, finds bugs.  Read: He is a total boy.  He has the sweetest heart.  He always wants to say his own prayer after anyone else says a prayer - at meals, bed, whenever.  After we all say, "Amen," he'll say, "My turn!"  He loves his sister.  If Andlie is not in sight, he will always ask, "Where Annie go?"  He even loves Nora now and lovingly calls her "Baby No-ah."  He is my buddy.  When we go pick up Andlie from preschool, he jumps out of his seat, crawls up to the front seat, and visits me until she comes out the door.  His smile is magic & can cure any sadness, anger, frustration, or any other emotion other than happiness.  He is a boy after his Mommy's heart.  And I'm pretty sure he is totally winning in that department.

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