Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 19 - Easter Saturday

Nora wore her cute "My First Easter" outfit from Grama & Grampa!

We started the day by going to the City Egg Hunt!  Andlie & Hazey both scored some candy!  Then we hit up McDonald's before Andlie's soccer game.  Next we came home & found our baskets that the Bunny left for us!  We all got new flip flops & candy and the kids each got a new swim suit!

And finally, at 1:30, we pulled off something we've been planning for a month - Gramdpa Puppy's surprise birthday party!  We had 32 people at our house!  And Grampa was completely stunned & surprised!  It was a wonderful couple of hours filled with lots of food, family, and laughter!  (Gramdma & Grandpa Puppy, Tony, Leslie, Kadri & Sander, and Paul, Jenny & Graeson arrived at our house late last night.)

Later, the boys had another surprise for their Pops - RSL soccer game tickets!  They went & had a blast there, too!  What a happy day!

April 18 - Adorable

The shirt pretty much says it all.

April 17 - Sprinklers

The sprinklers turned on for the first time today!  Haze was pretty certain it was the most magical thing that has happened this year.  

Shennie & Grama also stopped by tonight for a quick stay & visit!  We are so happy they did!

April 16 - Bouncer

Nora loves Bear.  She loves to suck on his little ears & kick him around in her bouncer.  Whenever Andlie spots Nora without Bear, she runs & grabs him for her.  She also loves the bouncer.  She is pretty happy as long as she can see & hear what everyone else is doing, which makes the bouncer a perfect place to be!

And, those ears.  Cutest little mini Easter Bunny ever!

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 15 - Getting Big & Exploring

Day 2 & Day 109 - Nora LOVES her sister.  And her sister ADORES her right back.  And I adore them both!

This picture sums up Summertime Haze.  Bike - check.  Outside - check.  Exploring - check.  Putting rocks in the sewer - check.  Getting his face dirty - check.  All boy.  And I love it.

April 14 - Monday Fun-day

I just can't get over how cute she looks in this cardigan.  This is one of twelve photos taken in it.  TWELVE.

Andlie has really been loving art/crafting lately.  Give her some pipe cleaners, cotton balls, glue, scissors, googly eyes, paint, and paper and she'd be happy for days.  Today, she made a duck out of cotton balls and tape.  I don't think I could've done a better job.

Dyed eggs tonight for FHE!

April 13 - Jammin'

Just jammin' out this morning.  Bed head and all.

April 12 - Outside

We  spent the evening outside today.  It was perfect weather.  Poor Nora is still feeling a bit sick today, but she still pulls off the "looking cute face" quite well.  

Haze.  I don't know what else to say about his face except - summer face.  Dirt, bubbles, sandbox, rocks, and popsicles make summer face.  And this boy likes all of the above.

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11 - Sick Baby & Summa

Poor Nora had to go to the doc today.  She had a fever of 100.6 last night so I thought I'd better take her before the weekend.  She was diagnosed with a cold.  Poor girl.  Hoping she's feeling better & smling again soon.

In happy news, it's almost officially Summer weather!  Blossoms are out, the pool has been filled, and popsicles are a daily treat.   

April 10 - Dentist & Tie Die

Went to the dentist this morning.  Haze wasn't much of a fan.  He ended up getting a quick lap exam.  Andlie did great and even got her teeth cleaned!

And guess who got to wear some psychadelic tie die today?  Yes, Nora did.

April 9 - Lunch With Daddy

We had lunch with Daddy today!  Not without showing our cute kids off to all employees first.  They're probably the cutest kids any of his co-workers have ever met.

April 8 - Hello, Sunshine

Sunny skies make our hearts happy!

April 7 - Crowns, Bubbles, & Smiles

Tried out a crown hair-do on Andlie just like my Momma used to do for me.

Blowing bubs outside!

Just being her usual pleasant self.

April 6 - General Conference

Carried on tradition by making turkey dinner in between Conference sessions.

Andlie kept busy most of the weekend with crafts.  That girl loves art.

Favorite quotes from Conference:

Pure, Christ-like love flowig from true righteousness can change the world.  -Jeffrey R. Holland
Families are the treasure of heaven.  -Neal L. Andersen
Choose to be grateful no matter what.  -President Uchtdorf
May we resolve to do a little better than we have done in the past. -President Monson
Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is never right.  Evil, error, & darkness will never be truth.  Even if popular.  -Russell M. Nelson
Love should be the very heart of family life.  -President Monson
Put more quality time & effort in strenthening family relationships.  -John U. Teh

April 5 - Sleeping Beauty

I could snuggle her all night long.  And also, time moves way too fast.

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4 - Time

12:30 pm

1:30 pm (I love the proud look on Haze's face.  He said, "Can I hold No-ah & watch TV?")

5:00 pm

April 3 - Getting Big & Getting Excited

Baby No is getting so big!  She can hold her head up pretty good these days!

This is her excited face.  She was anticipating Daddy's jokes & games.  If you think you can tell she's excited by the look on her face, just wait until you see her hands excitedly waving around & her her little mouth make half scream/half giggle noises.  Daddy's are so much fun!

April 2 - Fishies & Laughs

I hardly slept at all last night due to this STUPID cough I have.  So, when the kids let me sleep, I totally took advantage.  I figured I'd be alerted if they needed me.  Well, I woke up an hour later not because I could hear loud & alerting noises, but because I heard silence.  And when I woke up, I found the kids had "been to the pretend pet store & picked up a couple of fish."

Nora laughs at me & I get proud.  That face!  Love.  I got her going pretty good tonight!  Even if I was in Mombie mode.  (See what I did there?  Mom+zombie=Mombie.)

April 1 - April Fool's

Andlie thought it was maybe the most hilarious thing in the world to go to preschool with only half of her hair curled & a 4th of July bow in it.  She also took pretend bugs with her to preschool.  She totally hammed up this holiday.  While she was painting, she said, "Mom, I need help," and when I went over there, she said, "Just kidding!  I don't need help!  I April Fool's pranked you!"  And then she called Grampa to tell him that it was her birthday!  April Fool's again!  And then she wore a lion mask when Dad got home and tricked him that she was a lion!  Pranked again!  She loved the holiday!

While she was out enjoying her pranking ways at preschool, me & Hazey played blocks!  (AKA build a giant tower & throw balls at it to knock it down.)  

March 31 - Tiny Thing

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
Winnie the Pooh

March 30 - Boys & Cars

This one goes the fastest!

Line 'em up!

Ready, set, go!

He's been LOVING his matchbox cars lately!

March 29 - Saturday

Andlie scored her first goal at her game this morning!

And Nora was super happy about it!  (Fine, this was way after the game.  But look at how cute her face looks when she's laughing!)

March 28 - 3 Months

2 Days Old, 6 Weeks Old, 3 Months Old

I don't think she could be any cuter even if she tried.  My goodness, she fills our hearts with love and happiness and joy and every other good thing in the world!  At 3 months, she is still in size 1 diapers (though they are getting very snug) and wearing size 3-6 month clothes.

She just moved in to her own room/own crib two nights ago.  She sleeps about 8 hours at a time at night!  She is a pretty good eater, but only if everything around her is exactly how she wants it to be.  She is really starting to discover & wonder about her hands & feet lately.  (See above pic.)  She laughed for the first time on March 8 and hasn't stopped since!  Her smile comes very easy.  Her laugh takes a bit more work, but it is totally worth it!  

We love you, baby NoNo!  More than words can say!