Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31 - Boy

Yep.  That's Haze.  Pushing Andlie.  He's all boy.  And we love it.  So much.

January 30 - Smiles & Bread

Nora got to lay in her new crib this morning for a minute.  I think we can agree that she enjoyed it!  Smiles!!

And me & Andlie made bread dough this afternoon!  She did a great job kneading the dough - all the while giggling that we were smashing & punching it!

January 29 - Car Seat

Nora does okay in the car, but don't leave her in the car seat for too long once we're home.  She hates it.  But, get a load of her.  She is just so dang cute!

January 28 - 1 Month

One month.  Woe.  Slow down, time.  At one month, Nora is sleeping for about 5-6 hours through the night!  She eats every 3 hours.  She grew out of her newborn clothes about a week ago.  She is wearing size 1 diapers.  She loves her sister - always looking for her when she hears her voice.  She loves to be held, but is okay in her swing or bouncer too.  Likes looking at toys, but not too many at once.  Loves black & white.  She is pretty calm & content.  She smiles often and is starting to do so on cue.  She is just so sweet & perfect & fills our home with so much love.

January 27 - Selfies

January 26 - Daddy Snuggles

Something about a Daddy snuggle makes you feel calm & safe & warm & loved.  Nora has been calmed by her Daddy since the second she was born & heard his voice.  Nothing like a strong Daddy snuggle.

And while that touching picture was being taken, little turd was making himself comfy in Nora's bouncer.

January 25 - Hatching

Andlie & Haze have been waiting for their eggs to hatch for two days now and they finally did tonight before bed!  We had to put them in water for 72 whole (loooooooooooong) hours before they started "hatching out" and "cracking" as Haze says.  Now they will wake up tomorrow and get to see their "baby duckies."  In case you couldn't tell by their cute smiles, they were pretty happy to see progress tonight!

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24 - Cookies

Making cookies is kind of noisy.

January 23 - Old Lady

She told me she was an old lady.

January 22 - New Room Downstairs

Tonight when the kids were playing downstairs with Daddy, Andlie told him she wanted to sleep in her new room downstairs!  He asked Haze if he wanted to too.  Haze said no at first, but it quickly turned to yes once Bryan mentioned his basketball/football/baseball covers.  So, we put sheets & covers on the beds and the kids slept downstairs without any hesitation!

January 21 - I Love You

Haze busted out "I love you" sign language out of nowhere today!  Me & Andlie do it to each other all the time (every single time I drop her off at preschool), so I guess he got tired of just watching the action & decided to learn it for himself!  He made the sign with his hands, made sure he had my attention, and said, "I love you!"  And then my heart melted.

January 20 - Toys

I think it's safe to say that she likes looking at her toys.

January 19 - 3 Weeks

21 days old.  3 weeks.  She is so alert & I swear she's been smiling since day 3.  She brings so much joy & happiness to our hearts & our home.

January 18 - Granny & Mindy

Granny & Mindy were here today!  Mindy spent the day entertaining two wild monkeys (named Andlie & Haze) and Granny spent the day snuggling sweet Nora.  She said that she "needed to hold & snuggle & kiss Nora so she could grow up healthy & happy."  What wonderful families we have.

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17 - Good Morning

Good morning!  We are happy to report that Mommy is finally feeling a little better and that her pink eye is going away!  And we are all still healthy and happy!  Horray!

January 16 - Nudist

While getting ready for bed: takes pants off.  Gets stuck at shoes.  "Mom, can you take my shoes off?  Can you take my pants off?  Can you take my socks off?  Can you take my shirt off?  Can you take my diaper off?"  Walks away to the TV.  Stands & watches in the nude.

January 15 - Koala

Little Koala baby hugging tight to the tree!  Loooooooooooove her.

January 14 - Snowballs

This boy asks to "play snowballs" every day.  Today, I let him.  He made several snowballs and lined them all up in the driveway.  And when I stood in front of him to take a pic, he picked one up and chucked it right at me!  And then laughed.  And so did I.

January 13 - Patch & Balls

1. Andlie had her follow up eye exam this morning.  Daddy took her!  Her right eye is strong & doing well.  Her left eye needs to strengthen just a bit more.  So, she has to wear a patch every day for 2-3 hours for eight weeks.  Then, hopefully, she'll have perfect vision!  Just in time for Kindergarten!

2. Haze found three balls & walked around carrying them all day saying, "These are for Beau.  Beau is nice, huh?"

January 12 - Tiny Hands

Those tiny hands.  I mean.  And let's also mention her onesie.  It says, "I heart George," as in His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge.  Kate & Will's royal baby.  Giggle.

January 11 - Two Weeks

Two weeks today.  Sometimes I wish I could freeze time.

January 10 - Well Checks

Andlie (5 year) & Nora (2 weeks) had well checks today!

Andlie weighed 37 pounds & was 42 inches tall!  (Note that her "Frozen" figurines accompanied us to the appointment.)  She had to pee in a cup (to make sure her kidney is functioning properly), get her finger pricked (to check for iron levels), and get 3 shots (which ended up being 4 pokes because one of the shots didn't get all the juice in)!  Doctor was super impressed that she knew her address & phone number and how to write her own name!  He said she was ready for Kindergarten right now!  And, now that she has gotten her shots, she sure is!  Where did time go?

Nora weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces (+1.5 pounds since birth) and was 21 inches!  She had to get her heel pricked.  Doctor was impressed with her ability to lift her head and her weight gain!  He even said to her, "Wow, you are alert!  You're not a newborn, huh?"

So thankful for healthy babies and wonderful doctors!

January 9 - Magic Powers


Ever since we watched "Frozen" for the first time, Andlie really believes she has magic powers in her hands & feet.  That's why she has to wear these gloves & socks.  So her magic powers don't hurt anyone.  This week, she even shared her powers & "gave magic powers to all of her friends at preschool."  She says her powers can make things cold or warm or move the air.  What a fun imagination!

January 8 - Birthday Hat

Haze took a turn in Andlie's birthday crown from preschool today.  He doesn't dig taking pictures now days.  If he looks at ya, ya gotta take advantage and take a picture.  Don't mention you're doing it and make it quick or else you'll find him on the floor screaming "no" and looking away.

January 7 - No Bed

That Haze.  He is one of the happiest kids I know (when he is getting his way).  He comes out of his room at least twice before he goes to sleep.  Every night.  No crying or tantrums.  Just comes out.  Tonight, he came walking out at about 10:45 with a handful of two blankies, three stuffed animals, and his Mickey Mouse toy.  His blankies were dragging on the ground in between his legs, but he was patient and didn't let them trip him.  Just walked slow & steady instead.  He came out and just stood there.  So, of course, he got some snuggles & hugs before we sent him back to bed.

January 6 - First Outing

Bryan went back to work today.  I got brave & took all three kids on our first outing with all three kids.  Don't worry, it was just to the Wendy's drive thru & back.  Andlie loves her new big kid booster seat and multiple cup holders!  

You guys, how do we have a minivan and three kids?

January 5 - Five

Andlie turned five today!  Five.  Wow.  

Andlie 5 Year Q&A
1. What is your favorite color?  Pink!

2. What is your favorite toy?  My toys that I got for my birthday.  My hula hoop!  
3. What is your favorite thing about your brother?  That Haze is funny.

     What is your favorite thing about your sister?  That I can hold her.

4. What is your favorite tv show or movie?  Uh, “Frozen!”
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Hmmm, cinnamon rolls.

6. What is your favorite outfit?  The new “Frozen” shirt from Grama. 

7. What is your favorite game?  Um, can I go look at the games?  (Goes & looks.)  I think I like Twister. 
8. What is your favorite snack?  Nutrigrain bars. 
9. What is your favorite animal?  Dogs.  Isn’t that a cool one?  Can I say whatever princesses I like?  The ones from “Frozen.”  Giggles.
10. What is your favorite song?  Child’s Prayer 
11. What is your favorite book?  Um, the “Frozen” book that you got me. 
12. Who is your best friend?  Whitney and Lexi.  (From preschool) 
13. Where is your favorite place to go?  Hmm, at the pizza store. 
14. What would you like to learn more about now that you're 5?  Jesus.
15. What do you love about yourself?  That I can do everything.
16. What does Daddy do at work? Um, he works. 
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  My monkey.
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Macaroni. 
19. What do you pray about?  Jesus.

20. What do you want to be when you grow up?  I want to be a teacher.
“Is that all the things I said?”  “Yes, do you want to say something else?”  “Yes.”  “What do you want to say?”  “Um, what other princesses I like.” “I like Brave.”

Andlie is so full of personality!  She is sweet, kind, polite, respectful, sassy, funny, determined, a little bit of a perfectionist, happy, confident, and so much more.  She is our perfect Andlie and we love her more than words can say!  Happy birthday, Bug!

January 4 - Saturday Activities

1. Daddy & Andlie went to her new favorite movie, "Frozen," this afternoon to kick of her birthday celebrations!
2. Haze tried Diet Coke while they were away.  He loved it.
3. Nora is one week old today.  How did that happen already?

January 3 - Cute Outfits & Thumb

I thought Andlie & Haze looked so cute this morning so I made them pose for a picture!  And, I snapped several of Nora sucking her thumb this afternoon!

January 2 - Headshots

Got some head shots of our littles this morning during play time downstairs.  What joy they bring to our home.  We sure are lucky.

January 1 - Happy New Year


Rang in the new year last night/this morning by wearing fun hats (Andlie even let Nora borrow a crown), lighting sparklers, eating ice cream, and being together.  2013 was a big year for our family!

Andlie did gymnastics.
Haze started Nursery.
We found out we were pregnant.
Andlie & Haze did swimming lessons.
Bryan got a new job.
I was laid off.
We bought a new computer.
We bought a van.
Bryan turned 30.
Andlie got glasses.
We had sweet Nora.

It was a great year for us!  Hoping 2014 will bring the same health & happiness to our family and yours!