Friday, January 17, 2014

January 10 - Well Checks

Andlie (5 year) & Nora (2 weeks) had well checks today!

Andlie weighed 37 pounds & was 42 inches tall!  (Note that her "Frozen" figurines accompanied us to the appointment.)  She had to pee in a cup (to make sure her kidney is functioning properly), get her finger pricked (to check for iron levels), and get 3 shots (which ended up being 4 pokes because one of the shots didn't get all the juice in)!  Doctor was super impressed that she knew her address & phone number and how to write her own name!  He said she was ready for Kindergarten right now!  And, now that she has gotten her shots, she sure is!  Where did time go?

Nora weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces (+1.5 pounds since birth) and was 21 inches!  She had to get her heel pricked.  Doctor was impressed with her ability to lift her head and her weight gain!  He even said to her, "Wow, you are alert!  You're not a newborn, huh?"

So thankful for healthy babies and wonderful doctors!

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