Wednesday, January 21, 2015

December 31 - Party Time

Nora wore a ponytail for the very first time ever today!

After we played at Grama & Grampa Puppy's house for a while, Mommy convinced everyone that we needed to go to JR's for lunch again.  So we did!  Haze & Andlie (especially Haze) loved watching the trains zoom by.  Nora loved having her very own water to drink.

After a stop at the store, a quick trip to the park, and naps, we headed to Paul & Jenny's house for party time!  We celebrated Andlie's birthday, Nora's birthday, Graeson's birthday, and New Year's!  We had a wonderful time!

Nora totally dove right in to her cake again.  She was so fun to watch!

She even outlasted Graeson with the cake fun and by the end, both cakes were on her tray for her to enjoy - which she did to the fullest extent!

Me & the kids left for bed around 10:30.  Everyone was happy to be in their beds.  Andlie requested that I "snug with her" which I happy agreed to.  Everyone zonked out pretty quickly.  Bryan came over a little after midnight and we celebrated the new year with crazy faces and a smooch.  Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

December 30 - Hanging Out

Andlie made us a sweet door sign for Shennie's house.  It read, "Do not disturb. From Andlie, Haze, Nora."
Had a fun morning playing at Grama & Grampa's house.  
Enjoyed lunch with them and Paul, Jenny, & Graeson at JR's.  Andlie showed us how she could fit her straw in her lost tooth hole.
Nora is a pointer.  Always pointing at what she wants.
Ate a delicious dinner at Grama & Grampa's.
Zonked!  Daddy stayed down & visited Grama & Grampa while Mommy came up to Shennie's so the tiny ones could sleep.  Which is exactly what they did.

December 29 - Christmas Vacation Part 2

We were sad to leave Cedar City today.  I bet not as sad as Grama & Grampa were when we took the kids with us though.  We sure love them!

We got to Panaca tonight and headed straight to the park!  It got cold fast so we left & headed to the store to stock up on our faves.  Then back to Grama & Grampa Puppy's house for presents!  

Favorite pic of the day goes to Paul, Graeson, Daddy, & Nora - Baby Pinball!

December 28 - Nora Jane Turns One

It is Nora's birthday!  But I couldn't leave the rousing karaoke session that we had this morning out of the post.  Andlie sang, "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?," and it really did bring her to tears.  When it got to the part where the parents' boat sinks, she started rubbing her eyes & ran off the stage.  Tender little heart.
Me & Mandy sang, "For the First Time," and we nailed it.  Totally nailed it.

Now, back to the sweetest birthday girl!  Happy birthday, Nora!
Woke up balloons & decorations!

Opened presents!

Went to church and then zonked while Mommy was feeding/snuggling her.

Ate some delicious lunch/dinner.

Cake time at Granny's!

She brings light wherever she goes. She is always wearing a smile. (It's super duper contagious.) She fills our hearts to their very brims with happiness and love. She's one of our biggest blessings. She is pure joy. And today she turned 1. Happy birthday, sweetest Nora. We love you more than words.

And then we snapped a few pics.  First, Granny, Shennie, & Mindy with the grandkids.

Then the Goodwin family - Christmas 2014
(We were all missing Brycie.)

December 27 - Par-Tay Time

Spent the morning just hanging out & relaxing & playing with new toys.
Then we headed to Grandma 'Rene's house to visit the Goodwin family.  The chair has been in Grandma's house since I can remember.  I even remember sitting in the chair.  Nora loved the chair.

After we played at Grandma 'Rene's for a while, we went back to Grama's where the Mindy & Grama tended the kids while Mom, Dad, Grampa, Tim & Mandy really did go see the movie this time.  Haze wasn't pleased, but he had Mindy to snuggle so it turned out just fine.
Then we had a birthday party for Andlie!  (Pictures below.)  We finished the night with a performance by Mommy & Andlie singing, "Rudolph" with actions.  (It's the song she sang in her school Christmas sing-along.)
Finally, I had to take a million pictures of sleeping Nora since it was her last night as a baby.  Tomorrow she turns 1!

Andlie's 6th Birthday Party

Andlie asked for a "Frozen" watch.  Grampa used his witty little personality to buy an actual watch (just black), put it in a cup filled with water, and freeze it.  Wala!  A frozen watch!  Not exactly what Andlie had in mind.  Cue the giggles & eye rolls.

Mommy made cookie bars (and bought Neapolitan ice cream) at Andlie's request. Home girl doesn't like cake, but she loves cookies & ice cream.

December 26: Christmas Vacation Begins

Nora was a super helpful packing assistant.  Her hobbies for the morning included: unpacking suitcases, hiding things that I needed to pack, and smiling & giggling.

Her new hobbies (once we reached Grama's house) were: taking ornaments off the Christmas tree and playing with everyone else's new toys.

Christmas Vacation Day 1
Opened presents from Grama & Grampa and had them open ours.
Go to Grama's work & ride bikes and scooters around the indoor track.  (And run around a few times for good measure.)
Eat delicious spaghetti dinner.
Kids get tended by Grama, Emmy, Shennie, Dallin, and Emmy while Mom, Dad, Grampa, Mandy, & Tim attempt to go to "Mockingjay: Part 1."  Movie is sold out.  Mom & Dad take the chance to leisurely stroll around WalMart.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

December 25 - Christmas Day

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and we are better throughout the year because we became children again during Christmas time." - Laura Wilder

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." - Unknown

"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." - Burton Hills

Wake up to SNOW!  6-8 inches by day’s end.  Snowed off & on all day.  Big, fluffy flakes.
Chandi up at 7.  Kids up at 8:15.
Wake Nora up.
Skype with Goodwins.
Tear open presents! 
Nora really enjoyed opening & LOVED her baby.  Said, “Ohhhhh,” & snuggled her by her face.
Nora eats leftover Santa cookies while Dad & Haze are playing cars & Mom & Andlie are playing with her loom set.
Play, play, play.
Bryce over for breakfast.
Play, play, play.
Nora naps.
Kids play independently for a bit.
Chandi & Andlie play in snow.  Make snow angles & knock & run with snowballs on porch.  Try to make a snowman.  Try to sled.  Snow is too powdery.
All except Nora (sleeping) outside to play in snow.  Haze crawl in it & laugh. Kids make snowballs, throw at Mom & Dad, and laugh.  Haze look at Mommy in snow & say, “Mom, it’s snowing so….MERRY CHRISTMAS!”  Built sledding hill.  Sort of.  Haze & Mom inside.  Andlie & Daddy play outside.  Daddy pull Andlie on sled.  Andlie says, “Run like a bird!!!”
All inside.
Watch David Archuleta/MoTab concert on YouTube.
Skype w/Goodwins & Mind & Shen.
Kids play, play, play.
Nora up.
All play.  Kids play pretty well together.  Share pretty nicely.
Bubble machine – Nora love!
Eat dinner while watching the real Grinch on TV.
Nora destroys everything – Andlie’s chalk, Andlie’s stomp rocket, Haze’s cars, trash, food, you name it.
Bry & Chand clean up.
Prayers.  Ask what gifts are everyone’s fave.  Andlie: special rocks, Haze: track & cars.  Nora has loved her rocking horse.
Kids to bed.  Chandi put Andlie & Haze to bed.  Sing “Away in a Manger” to Andlie & then “Picture a Christmas” WITH her.  Sing “Child of God” WITH Haze & then “Silent Night” to him.  Tell them both Merry Christmas.
B & C take trash out in still, soft snow.

What a magical day it was.  Filled with wonder & happiness, joy & thankful hearts.  Merry Christmas!