Tuesday, January 20, 2015

December 26: Christmas Vacation Begins

Nora was a super helpful packing assistant.  Her hobbies for the morning included: unpacking suitcases, hiding things that I needed to pack, and smiling & giggling.

Her new hobbies (once we reached Grama's house) were: taking ornaments off the Christmas tree and playing with everyone else's new toys.

Christmas Vacation Day 1
Opened presents from Grama & Grampa and had them open ours.
Go to Grama's work & ride bikes and scooters around the indoor track.  (And run around a few times for good measure.)
Eat delicious spaghetti dinner.
Kids get tended by Grama, Emmy, Shennie, Dallin, and Emmy while Mom, Dad, Grampa, Mandy, & Tim attempt to go to "Mockingjay: Part 1."  Movie is sold out.  Mom & Dad take the chance to leisurely stroll around WalMart.

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