Tuesday, January 20, 2015

December 28 - Nora Jane Turns One

It is Nora's birthday!  But I couldn't leave the rousing karaoke session that we had this morning out of the post.  Andlie sang, "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?," and it really did bring her to tears.  When it got to the part where the parents' boat sinks, she started rubbing her eyes & ran off the stage.  Tender little heart.
Me & Mandy sang, "For the First Time," and we nailed it.  Totally nailed it.

Now, back to the sweetest birthday girl!  Happy birthday, Nora!
Woke up balloons & decorations!

Opened presents!

Went to church and then zonked while Mommy was feeding/snuggling her.

Ate some delicious lunch/dinner.

Cake time at Granny's!

She brings light wherever she goes. She is always wearing a smile. (It's super duper contagious.) She fills our hearts to their very brims with happiness and love. She's one of our biggest blessings. She is pure joy. And today she turned 1. Happy birthday, sweetest Nora. We love you more than words.

And then we snapped a few pics.  First, Granny, Shennie, & Mindy with the grandkids.

Then the Goodwin family - Christmas 2014
(We were all missing Brycie.)

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