Friday, June 27, 2014

June 26 - Loves

Nora loves her stander toy!  She is growing too fast.

Andlie & Haze love popsicles.  (Can you tell which flavor they each had?)

Haze loves doesn't love naps.  But he sure does need one.  This is usually what happens every night around 7 if he doesn't take a nap.

Haze loves his date with Daddy that happened tonight!  They also went bowling & for ice cream!  In this picture, Haze said he was "making a crazy face!"

While the boys were out, the girls went to Costco & Target.  When we got to Costco, we noticed that Nora's ear was full of blood.  Both me & Andlie got a little bit nervous.  Then Andlie looked tenderly at Nora & told me, "Mom, I feel like I'm gonna cry," and then she burst in to tears.  She was so sweet with Nora & made me proud to be her Mommy.  (Don't worry, it was just a little cut in Nora's ear.)

June 25 - Water, Grass, Bowling

Andlie & Haze are in swimming lessons!  Today is their third day.  Andlie loves it.  I mean, that's probably an understatement.  Haze hates it.  And that's also probably an understatement.  Andlie can float by herself and do bobs and she just loves every minute!  Haze gets out of the water every time it's not his turn to swim with the teacher and snuggles with Momma.

Tonight, Andlie & Daddy went on a date!  While Mommy & Hazey were lighting "worm fireworks," Nora was busy discovering the grass.  Afterwards, she had a little nap while me & Haze went for a bike ride and played with the neighborhood kitty.

Andlie & Daddy went bowling & to ice cream for their date!

June 24 - Napkin & Summer

Nora hung out on the floor inside and the other two kids rode bikes outside.  I ran back & forth checking on and playing with all of them.  While I was out with Andlie & Hazey, Nora accidentally had a napkin snack.  (Clearly this is our third kid because I stopped to take a picture before I grabbed the napkin out of her mouth/off her face.)

Tank top: check.  Popsicle: check.  Outside: check.  Messy hair from playing in the water: check.  Little sunburn: check.  We love Summer around here.  Nore: When eating a popsicle, be sure to get every last drop of juice out.

June 23 - Happy Baby & Books

Sometimes Nora distracts me.  I mean to take just one quick picture of her and then she smiles and makes cute noises and acts proud of herself for sitting up and smiles some more and laughs.  And before I know it, I've taken 35 pictures of the same pose.

During Nora's nap today, me, Haze, and Andlie jumped into our bed and read stories.  After we read, "Smelly Socks," we obviously had to smell the book to see if it was smelly because of Tina's stinky socks.  Yep.  Yep, it was smelly.  These are our faces after smelling the book.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 22 - Proud

Pretty proud of her new skill.

Proud to be wearing Mommy's sunglasses at church.

Proud to have copied the kid on the block bag.

June 21 - Grampa Puppy Visits

This girl.  She's happy all the time.  It's hard not to smile like a fool when you're around her.

Grampa Puppy came to visit today!  We took him to the splash pad, to Cafe Rio, to the park, and to play tennis!  It was a busy, but fun day!

While we were at the park, Nora enjoyed some sweet potatoes.  I thnink it's pretty safe to say that she liked them.

June 20 - Baseball

We went to our first baseball game tonight!  Summer has officially begun!

Nora had a couple of firsts at the game!  She sat up by herself for several minutes and she watched her first fireworks!

June 19 - Kids

Told her that she looked cute & to smile so I could take a picture.  This is what I got.

Nora got a place at the table tonight!

Haze was so tired by day's end that he fell asleep sitting up.  In the shopping cart.  At Wal-Mart.

June 18 - Bike

We were up with the sun this morning.  And guess what the first words out of his mouth were?  "Mom, can you put my shoes on and my helmet on and my jacket on and open the door and ride my bike?"  I'm so happy that he loves it so much.

And I'm also thrilled that he still "parks" his bike like the big kids.

Nora is too.

After we rode bikes to the park, we took over the tennis court.  Daddy & the big kids took turns hitting the ball while me & Nora watched.

June 17 - Happy & Sad

Happy because....well, because that's just who she is.  Always. 

Sad because he woke up with a pretty gnarly rash all over today.  I'm  pretty sure it's an allergic reaction to the Omnicef he's been on for his ear infection.  Which means that he's allergic to both Amoxicillin and Omnicef.  Super.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 16 - Three

Haze had a wonderful birthday!  He woke up to the house decorated with number 3s, basketballs, and Angry Birds stuff!  (Mommy & Daddy stayed up until 1:00 am decorating.  We must love him.)
Opened presents!  Mommy & Daddy gave him a tent, some big boy underwear, an Angry Birds piggy bank, and some plastic army guys.  
Then outside to open his last big present from Mommy & Daddy - a big boy bike!  He opened the door & whispered, "Wow!"  We spent the next hour outside riding bikes.  Haze learned so quickly how to start, stop, turn, and control his bike!
Came inside & watched an episode of his favorite TV show, "Jake and the Neverland Pirates."
Went to the Aquarium!  (Even though Mommy was sick with the stomach flu!)
Loved seeing the sharks & fishies at the Aquarium!
Fell asleep on the way home.
Woke up to the neighborhood kids coming over for cake & ice cream!
"Happy Birthay" singing & cake & ice cream for everyone!
Played outside riding bikes & having fun until bedtime.
Mommy & Daddy sang "Happy Birthday" one more time.

Haze with his favorite birthday present he's ever received: 

3rd Birthday Interview
1.    What is your favorite color?  Um, green!
2.    What is your favorite food?  Green food.  Pizza!
3.    What is your favorite animal?  Giraffe
4.    What is your favorite song?  Child of God
5.    What is your favorite book?  Jesus
6.    What do you want to be when you grow up?  Like, really tall.  Like so taller!
7.    How old are you?  I’m bigger.
8.    What do you like to do?  Um, cars!
9.    Where is your favorite place to go?  Um, to the zoo!  I wanna go to zoo, Momma!
10. What is your favorite movie?  Um, Car movie!  (Disney’s Cars)
11. What is your favorite show?  Goffie Jakey Jakey  (Jake and the Neverland Pirates – Golf Episode)

Happy birthday, Buddy!  We love you so much!  

June 15 - Father's Day

Opened Father's Day gifts!  We gave Daddy his Priesthood Line of Authority, a tennis racket, and a bacon wall art for his office.  And Grampa got a mousepad with all of the grandkids pictures on it!
Went to church & heard Grampa & Bret talk about the mission of the Holy Ghost.
Had a birthday dinner & cake & ice cream for Hazey's birthday!  Nora sat in a high chair for the first time & loved it!  She also loved the watermelon that she sampled.
Got the Slip 'n Slide out!  Andlie & Haze had a blast!
Got the four-wheeler out & rode up & down the street!  Blast again!
Went to Granny's & played with cousins & family.  Left & arrived home at midnight!

President Ezra Taft Benson said, "A father's calling is eternal and its importance transcends time.  It is a calling for both time and eternity."  Bryan is a pretty amazing Dad.  His kids adore him.  We are all so grateful to have him in our home and as the head of our family.

June 14 - Cedar Day 1

Mommy, Daddy, & Haze slept in until 11:00 (except Mommy & Nora woke up for an hour at 8:00).  Andlie went to the Pow Wow parade with Grama & Grampa.
When they got home, we opened presents!  (Notice that Haze is in his swim shirt & Andlie's shorts.  We ran out of clothes after his puking party.)
Then we went to Granny's house & played in the yard and dug in Dallin's hole.
Then we went to the Pow Wow & watched the Indians dance in their awesome costumes!
When that was over, we went to the park where Andlie & Haze climbed up the rope structure!  Andlie got all the way to the top!
Finally, we had baths & went to bed so we could have another fun day tomorrow!

June 13 - Packing & Cedar

If I have to wake up at 7:00 am, this is the best way to do it.

Sisters!  Hanging out while Mommy gets packed for Cedar!

We made it!  We got to Cedar this evening and had dinner with Grama & Grampa Puppy and Beau at the park!  Then they took us to get cupcakes for Hazey's birthday.  We had a great time with them!  Then we made it to Grama & Grampa's house where the kids were swiftly scooped up & squished!

It was a great night until about 12:30 am.  Which is when Haze puked.  All over.  For the first time.  Then there were four more times.  Poor little guy.  He knew he needed to throw up, but he'd lean over the bowl crying & saying, "I don't want to throw up!"  When he finally got calmed down, he told me, "Mom, let's go home.  We can play with Ty, throw up in a bowl, sleep in our beds...."  What a cute boy.

June 12 - Buddies & Hands

Haze asked to hold "NoNo" this morning, so I quickly handed her over.  This little boy is so good at melting my heart.  He is totally loving his little NoNo lately!

Nora has been comforted by Daddy since the minute she was born.  When she was being poked & prodded right after delivery, she was not a happy camper.  Until she heard Daddy's voice.  Then she calmed right down.  She loves to be in his arms and he has a calming effect on her always.  Tonight she was comforted by his hands again.  I love this picture.  Bryan is wearing a bracelet that Andlie made.  He is outside watching his boy play ball.  His hand is Nora's toy.  He is the protector of our family.  And he does a pretty amazing job.

June 11 - New Shoes & Outfit

These two got new shoes today & they were pretty excited about it!  Andlie put them on & immediately had to show me how fast they make her run!  Haze quickly followed suit.

Little Nora didn't get new shoes, but she used her little feet to escape the swaddle.  She's pretty good at that now.  Rarely do I go in her crib to find her awake from a nap without being totally un-swaddled.  That girl has skills.

And, she looked so cute in her outfit today that we had a mini photo sesh.  She is too cute for words.

June 10 - See

See, this really is her favorite toy.

See, these two are partners in fun!

See, this little dude still needs a nap.  Today he fell asleep mid-conversation with me.  For reals.

June 9 - Monday Funday

Nora's fun lately always involves her favorite toy - the rubber hand.  It doesn't take more than looking at her eyes to realize she loves this thing!

Haze & Andlie's fun almost always involves each other.  They are buddies.  They watch out for each other.  They laugh together.  They are wild together.  They are pals.  Hazey will be sad when Andlie goes to school.

Haze's fun most definitely always involves his bike.  And since he is obviously as big as the other neighborhood kids, he has to "park" his bike just like them.

But this little dude is still little and sometimes we go for a ride in the van at 3:00 in the afternoon so he can get tricked into taking a nap.  He is so huge and so tiny at the same time.