Sunday, June 1, 2014

May 19 - First Foods

Haze is a very determined little dude.  Just like his sister.  He decided he wanted to ride a scooter so he did.  He is slow, but he is steady.

We tended Hayden & Lyla this afternoon.  Hayden & Andlie made an itinerary for the evening.  Each time an activity was completed, they would cross it off.

And the big news for today - Nora tried solids for the first time tonight!  It was mashed up avacados mixed with breast milk.  She wasn't really sure about having something in her mouth, but she didn't gag & kept opening her mouth for more.  She's getting so big so fast. 

All that eating & time at the park made her very sleepy.  There's no better feeling than a sleeping baby on your chest.

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