Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 12 - Buddies & Hands

Haze asked to hold "NoNo" this morning, so I quickly handed her over.  This little boy is so good at melting my heart.  He is totally loving his little NoNo lately!

Nora has been comforted by Daddy since the minute she was born.  When she was being poked & prodded right after delivery, she was not a happy camper.  Until she heard Daddy's voice.  Then she calmed right down.  She loves to be in his arms and he has a calming effect on her always.  Tonight she was comforted by his hands again.  I love this picture.  Bryan is wearing a bracelet that Andlie made.  He is outside watching his boy play ball.  His hand is Nora's toy.  He is the protector of our family.  And he does a pretty amazing job.

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