Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 9 - Primary Program

Nora's favorite spot in the house is under the table - especially after a meal.  She will find a way in.  No matter how many traps are set, she will find a way in.  She quietly sits under there eating crumbs & playing on/in the chair legs like she is in a jungle gym made just for her.

Today was the Primary Program!  Andlie's part was: Successful families are built on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, and forgiveness.  In my family, we have family prayer and say we're sorry when we do something wrong.  She said it (memorized) all by herself!  Everyone in the ward kept saying how neat it was that she memorized such a big part!  After church, Daddy said, "Andlie you did so good at the Program today!"  She shrugged her shoulders, nodded her head, rolled her eyes, and replied, "Gosh.  Everyone keeps saying that!!"

Hazey participated in the Primary Program for the first time today!  When it was time for the Nursery kids to sing, "Follow the Prophet" with the big kids, Haze marched right up to the stage.  He got in his spot, smiled & waved proudly, listened to the piano introduction, and ran off the stage, down the isle, and straight in to Mommy's arms.  All with a huge smile on his face!

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