Friday, November 7, 2014

October 28 - 10 Months

Nora is TEN MONTHS!  She is still wearing size 3 diapers & size 9-12 month clothes.  She doesn't wear shoes, but I have tried some on and she'll fit in to a size 2 if you squeeze her in.  3 is more comfy, but still a little bit big.  She sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a good solid 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon.  She eats two meals a day and nurses 3-4 times a day.  She can wave "bye-bye" and even squeals, "Ba ba!" when she's in the mood.  She says, "Dad!" on command or when she sees Daddy.  She plays peek-a-boo by herself (usually with her blankie) and thinks she is hilarious when she does.  She can fake cough on command and sometimes tries so hard that she gags herself.  She loves eyelashes.  She likes to sit on my lap & touch mine.  She's very soft & gentle and gets very still & focused when she does it.  Then giggles when they move.  She got her 3rd tooth (first top one) on October 26.  Her favorite foods are: peanut butter & jam sandwiches, cheese quesadillas, mandarin oranges, cooked carrots, and Cheerios.  She loves her family and is developing some pretty good stranger danger (and I sorta love it).  She loves her blankie & her bink.  She is a pure and giant joy!  We love her so much!

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