Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28 - 2 Months

Weight: 12 lbs, 4 oz (49%)
Height: 22 inches (71%)

Poor girl had to get 3 shots this morning.  She was not a happy camper about that, but was all smiles before then.  The doc said she looked perfect & was growing really well.

At two months, Nora is in size 1 diapers & mostly 0-3 month clothes, but she can fit into a few 3-6 month clothes too.  She smiles on cue all day long.  She babbles & coos and gets louder and louder as she gets more & more excited.  She is calm, content, & happy most of the time.  She doesn't like it when I eat anything tomato based: spaghetti, pizza, red enchiladas, and salsa are tested & tried so far.  She sleeps 6-8 hours at night.  She brings a true spirit of happiness & love to our home - a tangible, feel-it-in-the-air spirit.  She loves her big sister to pieces.  She is a great eater.  I love nursing her.  I love her to look into my eyes & talk to me.  She melts my heart.  She is the definition of joy.  She is loved more than she'll ever know.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27 - Rain

It rained today!  A lot!  And guess what Andlie & Haze did at the first sight of a rain drop?  If you guessed ran outside & splashed in puddles & danced around under their "gumbrellas," you are right.

February 26 - Waking Up & Sunglasses

This is my morning wake up call.  Nora joined me this morning after Bryan got out of bed due to her tiny grunting noises.  Andlie came to my bedside shortly after and said, "Mom, I'm ready to wake up now," and Haze joined us shortly after that by tossing both of his blankies and his bunny on the bed to announce his entrance into the pile.  And then we sat there & I thought, "I'm pretty lucky."

And, Nora wore sunglasses today while we played outside in the beautiful Spring weather again today!  And, if I do say so myself, she was rocking them.

February 25 - Two Kinds of Weight

13 pounds (and counting) of pure, blissful love.

We went to Target tonight to get Andlie some shin guards for soccer!  Andlie & Haze definitely had to stop & show me how strong their muscles were.  Andlie is lifting some mighty heavy three-pounders and Haze has got some bulging two-pounders.

February 24 - Tuesday Tidbits

Another picture of Haze hiding his face so he can get a few sucks of his bink in before I notice.  It's his drug of choice.

Nora spent lots of time outside for the very first time today!  Though the sunshine was pretty bright for her tiny little eyes, she still looked at everything around her with wonder & awe.  We spent at least two hours outside today!  Summer is coming!  Horray!

Andlie spent all of her hours outside today.  When I walked outside to check on them, I found Andlie herding the crowd together for a picture.  "Mom, take a picture of us & send it to all the Moms!"  (L to R: Jordan, Kate, Isaac, Andlie)

February 23 - Sunday Morning Walk

Went on a Sunday walk this morning before church.  What a beautiful place we live in!  (See the mountains?)

Andlie picked out her own outfit.  She said she was "getting ready to exercise outside."
Nora went with us, but didn't see the outside world due to the car seat canopy that covered her sweetness.
Haze still loves spotting & picking up pine cones.  All of them.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22 - Mommy/Daughter & Daddy/Son Dates

This morning, me & Andlie went to a Princess Party at a local cupcake cafe/bakery.  Andlie listened to princess stories, got her makeup, nails, and hair done (complete with princess sparkles), listened to Elsa sing her current favorite song, "Let it Go," and Rapunzel sing, "I Keep Wonderin'," decorated a cupcake box & cupcake, got her face painted by Elsa, and took pictures with the princesses!  What a fun morning!

And then, this evening, Haze & Daddy went "TO BASKETBALL!!"  And Haze got to eat popcorn & drink "fruit-beer" to his heart's content. 

It was a good day.

February 21 - Baby Stank Eye

Nora must've learned the "one eyebrow raised" trick from her Daddy because I do not look that cute when trying to do it.  Daddy calls this "Baby Stank Eye."  And, that smile.....

February 20 - Melting Heart

The love a girl has for her Daddy.  She admires him.

And speaking of melting my heart, Andlie drew our family tonight.  (Clockwise from top: Me, Andlie, Hazey, Daddy, Nora.  Notice me & Andlie's ponytails & the boys' spikey hair.  Nora is obviously in her blankie.)

February 19 - First Time

Haze held Nora for the first time tonight!  He hasn't been too interested in Nora since she arrived.  And up until a few weeks ago, he would walk around the house shouting, "No!" when she would cry.  But lately, the cute boy has been sneaking up to her to smile & visit with her.  Tonight he came in and said, "Mom, can I hold baby No-ah?"  My heart skipped a beat!  He was a proud big brother & had fun tickling her feet and watching her face.

And then she cried and he said, "Can you take her, Momma?"

February 18 - Good Morning

Who cares that I only got 5 hours of interrupted sleep last night.  Waking up to this is totally and completely worth it.  Every time.

February 17 - Outside

It was a beautiful day outside today!  It made us very excited for Spring/Summer to get here!  I took our new camera outside for a test run & I'm super happy with the pictures I got.  What cute kids we have.  We are blessed beyond words.  My heart is full.

February 16 - Mailbox

Bug wanted to make a mailbox for her own personal use today, so that is exactly what we did.  Daddy helped her make the actual mailbox part (with a glue gun and precise measurements & exactness) and I was in charge of the brick part (for which I threw a rock in a box, taped it shut, and told her to glue brown squares on).  We had a great time making it together!  And she was happy with it, so parent success! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15 - Hands

Nora loves her hands by her face.  It comforts her more than having a bink.  It's been like that since the first time we peeked in on her via ultrasound.  Probably even before.  Also, get a load of those lashes!

February 14 - Love Day

Andlie wore a cute Valentine's outfit to all three days of preschool this week.

Andlie's Valentines for her class & teacher and her box with all of her loot!

Making Valentine's sugar cookies!

Traditional holiday balloons.  Haze enjoyed them.

Valentine's Day gifts!

Our Three True Loves

Be Mine

Andlie's tongue is sticking out as she prepares the Valentines for her class.
Haze prefers frosting over cookies.  By far.  Note that he is using his spoon to eat the frosting like ice cream.  Who cares about the cookie?  Not him.
Haze has a new smile for the camera.  It's a real gem.  
Nora really seemed happy about her striped bear when Andlie was showing it to her.
Andlie got a package of mini nail polishes and the handle to the box had beads on it.  She wanted to take the polish out & throw the box away, but she asked if we could keep the beads.  So, we cut them off & noticed they only made a tiny bracelet.  Andlie immediately said, "Awe, it's so little.  Let's give it to Nora."
When I pulled out the heart shaped pizza for lunch, Andlie said, "Thanks, Mom!  You're the best Mom I ever had!"
Bryan also got a gift from me - a New Orleans Saints blanket!
Haze still hates to have his picture taken.
I'm embarrassed by the kissy face pics, but I'm pretty happy with/proud of my new makeup.  Don't judge.

February 13 - Safe Place

Haze's safe place is behind the rocking chair.  This morning, he got behind it so he could "hide from the yogurt (ogre) on 'Super Readers.'"  And this evening, he hid there so he could suck on his bink without being asked to take it out of his mouth.  Sometimes, a boy just needs a bink fix.

February 12 - Climbing & Smiling

Guys, Haze has no fear.  And he is very spontaneous.  So, today when I was feeding Nora and Andlie was at preschool, he knew he held the power to do whatever he wanted.  I was trapped & Andlie was gone.  So he pulled this move right before my eyes.  I couldn't help but laugh.  When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Getting the remote control!"

And, Nora.  That girl.  She just has us wrapped around her fingers.  But, I mean, look at that face. Now she's wrapped around yours too, huh?

February 11 - Snow Pants & Zebra

Andlie & Haze got new snow pants today!  Obviously, that means that they have to go on first thing in the morning so they can test them out!  They came to the door & knocked so I would answer and then stood there in their new snow pants looking all adorable.

And while Andlie & Haze were having outside adventures, Nora stayed indoors with Mommy and visited her favorite pal - the zebra on her swing mobile!  She just loves him!  She talks to him & smiles all him all day long!

February 10 - Peeking

Me & Andlie watched a movie this afternoon while the other two littles slept and it rained outside.  I looked over and saw this cute little face peeking out of the blanket & had to snap a picture.

February 9 - Primary Talk

Mommy loves Nora!

Also noteworthy from today: Andlie gave her very first talk in Primary!

As part of Heavenly Father’s plan, we needed to leave Heaven, so He told Jesus to create the earth for us.  They created the sun, moon, water, plants, and animals.

They planned carefully so there would be food, water, and everything we would need in our earthly home. Each child who comes to earth is blessed by the beautiful world Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created.

I am thankful that Heavenly Father & Jesus created this pretty earth for me to live in.

February 8 - Grama & Grampa Visit

Grama & Grampa arrived last night!  We played & played all day today!  We sure love, adore, and admire them!

February 7 - Trapeze Artist

Ever since "Madagascar 3" came out, Andlie has wanted to buy our very own trapeze equipment so she can learn how to be a trapeze artist & perform.  (Don't worry, she has also requested that we get a net so, rest assured, we will be safe.)  Well, today I made her wish come true when I went and got Bryan's pull up bar out of storage!  She went and got her uniform on (complete with two belts), pulled a chair up, stacked a stool on top of that, jumped right on, and started swinging!  The first thing out of her mouth was, "MOM, THIS THING IS AWESOME!"  Big Mom points earned.

After a while, she needed a rest, so she joined me & Nora on the bed and then we took a picture at her request with all three girls which she named, "Girl Power."  

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 6 - Car Faces & Bowling

I looked back when we dropped Andlie off at school this morning and told Haze to smile.  This is what I got.

Meanwhile, Nora was utterly amazed by her new carseat canopy.

And, finally, me & Haze played "bowing" the entire time Andlie was at school today.  You guys, he's obsessed.  He loves bowling.  It's what he talks about all day.  "Mom, me and Daddy and Annie and Hazey went bowing.  I knock 'em over! And then it's Annie's turn."  He always wants to do it.  "Mom, should we go bowing?  At Riverwoods?"  And it's his favorite topic of conversation when he's on the phone with anyone.  So, today we set up his "ducks" and bowled them over.  And over.  And over.  And he loved it.  And I loved him for it.

February 5 - Kindergarten Registration

Oh my heck.  My baby girl had Kindergarten registration today.  Where has time gone?  My gosh, I remember going to my own Kindergarten registration!  I'm definitely not ready for this.  I only got a tickle in my throat once though.  

I am so proud of our sweet Andlie.  She is smart.  She can write her own name, count to 100, knows her address & phone number, is an expert cutter, and is starting to read.  She is kind.  She doesn't like others to be left out or sad.  She has a tender heart.  She is confident in who she is!  She loves preschool and Primary.  She loves her glasses.  She has a wonderful imagination!  She is certain she has magical powers that she was born with.  She is stubborn.  She doesn't like to be told no.  She will find a work-around that word - almost always.  She loves her brother & sister fiercely.  She is sassy and funny.  She held a breadstick up to her face & told me it was a breadstick mustache yesterday.  She loves chapstick.  She talks like she is an adult.  Yesterday she told me that she painted at preschool and it "was a good experience."  She is our sunshine.  We love her more than words.  We are so thankful she's ours.

February 4 - Cleaning Snow

It finally snowed!  Andlie & Haze immediately got bundled up & picked their snow cleaning tools (a broom & a mop), and went outside to "clean up the snow!"  

And, since she didn't want to be left out, Nora got bundled up too in her darling jacket when we dropped Andlie off at preschool.