Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28 - 2 Months

Weight: 12 lbs, 4 oz (49%)
Height: 22 inches (71%)

Poor girl had to get 3 shots this morning.  She was not a happy camper about that, but was all smiles before then.  The doc said she looked perfect & was growing really well.

At two months, Nora is in size 1 diapers & mostly 0-3 month clothes, but she can fit into a few 3-6 month clothes too.  She smiles on cue all day long.  She babbles & coos and gets louder and louder as she gets more & more excited.  She is calm, content, & happy most of the time.  She doesn't like it when I eat anything tomato based: spaghetti, pizza, red enchiladas, and salsa are tested & tried so far.  She sleeps 6-8 hours at night.  She brings a true spirit of happiness & love to our home - a tangible, feel-it-in-the-air spirit.  She loves her big sister to pieces.  She is a great eater.  I love nursing her.  I love her to look into my eyes & talk to me.  She melts my heart.  She is the definition of joy.  She is loved more than she'll ever know.

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