Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 7 - Trapeze Artist

Ever since "Madagascar 3" came out, Andlie has wanted to buy our very own trapeze equipment so she can learn how to be a trapeze artist & perform.  (Don't worry, she has also requested that we get a net so, rest assured, we will be safe.)  Well, today I made her wish come true when I went and got Bryan's pull up bar out of storage!  She went and got her uniform on (complete with two belts), pulled a chair up, stacked a stool on top of that, jumped right on, and started swinging!  The first thing out of her mouth was, "MOM, THIS THING IS AWESOME!"  Big Mom points earned.

After a while, she needed a rest, so she joined me & Nora on the bed and then we took a picture at her request with all three girls which she named, "Girl Power."  

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