Friday, February 7, 2014

February 5 - Kindergarten Registration

Oh my heck.  My baby girl had Kindergarten registration today.  Where has time gone?  My gosh, I remember going to my own Kindergarten registration!  I'm definitely not ready for this.  I only got a tickle in my throat once though.  

I am so proud of our sweet Andlie.  She is smart.  She can write her own name, count to 100, knows her address & phone number, is an expert cutter, and is starting to read.  She is kind.  She doesn't like others to be left out or sad.  She has a tender heart.  She is confident in who she is!  She loves preschool and Primary.  She loves her glasses.  She has a wonderful imagination!  She is certain she has magical powers that she was born with.  She is stubborn.  She doesn't like to be told no.  She will find a work-around that word - almost always.  She loves her brother & sister fiercely.  She is sassy and funny.  She held a breadstick up to her face & told me it was a breadstick mustache yesterday.  She loves chapstick.  She talks like she is an adult.  Yesterday she told me that she painted at preschool and it "was a good experience."  She is our sunshine.  We love her more than words.  We are so thankful she's ours.

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