Friday, October 10, 2014

October 6 - Miscellaneous

Andlie & Hazey colored these wood figurines during General Conference yesterday.  This morning, I told Andlie that Daddy wanted to see her owl because she did such wonderful artwork on it and it looked amazing!  I told her we'd better take a picture for him.  The first words out of her sweet mouth were, "But what about Haze and his Spiderman coloring?  He will want to be in the picture too.  And he did really good work too."  Melt my heart.

I guess little man was tuckered out this afternoon because he just went in the living room after lunch, laid on the floor, and fell asleep for two hours.

And although I didn't get any pictures, I did get some film!  It was Andlie's last game with the Fire Ladybugs tonight!  She scored six goals.  SIX.  And two of them were when it was her alone (while the other two team members were using the potty) against four other girls!  Fist bump!

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