Friday, October 3, 2014

September 29 - Doctor, Smiles, & A Rainbow

Sweetheart went to the doctor for her 9 month well check today.  She got a toe prick (to check iron levels) and one shot.  She certainly didn't like the shot, but was happily ripping the paper on the table and smiling at everyone who entered otherwise.  The doctor told us what we already knew: that she was growing well, healthy, and perfect.

Weight: 18 lbs, 2 ounces (49%)
Height: 28.5 inches (81%)
Head: 45.2 cm (84%)

Haze is my little Buddy.  Now that Andlie is in school, we have time to just hang out together.  He is a little Momma's Boy and I love it.  This was taken while I was visiting while we were waiting for Andlie to get out of school.

Tonight at Andlie's soccer game (where she scored 2 goals), there was a rainbow!

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