Friday, October 3, 2014

September 28 - 9 Months

Someone turned 9 months today!  She is wearing size 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  She has two tiny teefies on the bottom.  She still lights up when she sees her brother or her sister and she LOVES her Mommy & Daddy.  When she gets excited, she kicks her little legs as fast as they'll go, pants, and squeals.  She is smiling for most of the day, but she does have a pathetic little fake cry.  She likes to be part of the action and is happiest when she is doing what the big kids are doing.  She eats 2 solid meals per day and nurses 4-5 times per day.  She is sleeping a good 11-12 hours at night and taking at least one solid nap per day.  She crawls!  Everywhere!  And fast.  She loves bath time, food, and shoes.  She is one of the happiest things about our lives!

She wore some footie jammies for the first time tonight!  And she looked adorable.  Like always.

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