Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21 - Sunday

Sunday mornings in Nora's room while Daddy is at meetings: a monkey climbing the walls, a giggling little boy, and a tiny one amazed by something.

"Look, we're Santa!"

We finally got to wear our special Christmas Sunday clothes!  Andlie's hair matches Mommy's and we both have our homemade (by her) bracelets on.  Hazey has a tie "just like Daddy."  And Nora's sparkles are all over everyone!  Merry Christmas!

Day 21: Color a picture of the Nativity.  Andlie drew AND colored a pic!  Top: L to R: Andlie, Andlie, Haze.  Bottom: L to R: Chandi, Bryan.

December 20 - Home Sweet Home

After Daddy got a beautiful blessing from Grampa Goodwin, Haze helped Mommy pack & drank some of my Gatorade while he was at it.

Daddy was feeling well enough to drive us home from Idaho.  We had a pretty good trip.  Haze loves him some movies.

Andlie needed a quick nap.  (That's what hotel sleeping habits will do to a girl.)

We finally made it home!  Andlie told us she was Rudolph and demanded that Daddy play the role of Santa in the hula hoop sleigh tied to Rudolph by a jump rope.

While Daddy was at the doc getting some medicine (praises), we played at home.  Nora crawled right in to the bottom shelf of her changing table, turned herself around, and said, "Uh oh!"  Yep.  Uh oh is right.

Day 20: Tell Icabod three things you're thankful for.  Andlie promptly made us line up in a single file line in front of the tree.
Mom: my family, Christmas, prayer
Andlie: Christmas, family, temple
Haze: presents, my truck, skateboards
Nora: {grabs the tree & smiles}
Dad: Christmastime, doctors, family

December 19 - Mand & Tim Graduate

In her swimming suit, eating breakfast on the floor at 10:00 am.  Hotel life.  We had a great time swimming as a family this morning with the entire pool to ourselves!

Day 19: Do something with a whole bunch of family members.  Mandy & Tim's graduation from Nursing School definitely did that!  We are so proud of them and their hard work & sacrifice!  We had a great time at their ceremony and then an even better time at the after party where we ate pizza, cake, and swam!  We were sad that Daddy wasn't feeling well and spent the evening in the room with a bad headache.

Andlie & Haze were too cute when I checked on them at 4:00 am.  I just had to snap a pic.  They're such good friends.  I hope it stays that way forever.

December 18 - Idaho Bound

Day 18: Go the Sing-Along at Andlie's school!  The entire family went and watched Andlie sing, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" with sign language!  And then, "There Was a Jolly Man in Red and Santa Was His Name-o," sung to "Bingo."  She did great!

Later, Nora helped us pack for Idaho.  She kept taking things out of the suitcase & saying, "Uh oh."  Repeat.  Repeat.
We left for Idaho at 6ish and got there about 10:30.  Everyone except Nora was sleeping by midnight.  She kept throwing her bink out & saying, "Uh oh."  She's a little tiny bit mischievous, but she's too cute to get too mad.

December 17 - Hair & Toes

Haze cried for half hour before he finally let me cut his hair.  Once I had demonstrated a hair cut with the clippers on one of his cars and put some YouTube truck videos on the TV, he was fine.  He even said, "Mom, thank you for cutting my hair," after we were done.

Toes again!  I just love 'em.  Nora's always cross when they're relaxed.  And I love them.

Day 17: Go to Andlie's school Christmas party!  Mommy went & helped and it was a great party!

December 16 - Christmas, Straws, & Toes

Every morning, the kids excitedly ask for three four things: 1. Can we have our chocolates (from their advent calendars)?  2. Can we move the bear (on the countdown shown)?  3. Can we add an ornament to the (magnetic) tree?  4. Where is Icabod (our elf)?
I love that they are moving the bear on the same Christmas countdown that I moved the bear.  It's something I really remember from when I was little and I'm happy to carry it on with my babies!

Someone learned to use a straw!  She is very proud of it.  And, she DOES NOT want anyone to help her.  Ever.

I love Hazey's little toes.  I've always loved how they grab on to the carpet when he's standing still.  Always.

Day 16: Go to the ward Christmas party!  Andlie's old Primary teacher wanted to snap a quick pic with Andlie & Violet before we left.  Andlie loved Sister Lolohea and was totally happy to oblige!

December 15 - Close Ups & Lights

Cutest close ups I've ever seen!  I love how you can totally see Andlie's loose tooth sticking out of her smile.  And I love Haze's lashes!

Day 15: Take treats to co-workers.  Check.  Total success.

AND, go to the Festival of Lights!  We love this tradition!  It's a fantastic light display and we were all amazed the entire drive through.  The kids were amazed that they were sitting in the front seat while the vehicle was moving!  And then we drove through the display and blew their minds.  A few hours after we had gone, we asked everyone what their favorite lights were.  Haze told us, "The scarecrows with the mean red eyes."  Well......nope.  Those weren't there.  But don't worry, he changed to the waving Santa.  Wonderful night!

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 14 - Sunday Best Again

We haven't even worn this year's Christmas outfits, but we still like to get really dressed up for December Sundays.

Day 14: Wrap presents!  Andlie & Haze had a great time helping!  Haze loves to put tape on packages and Andlie loves to write the tags!  They both had fun going up & down the stairs putting the finished presents under the tree.  
We also delivered our neighbor treats tonight.  The kids had fun with that too!  Haze kept telling everyone, "Merry Christmas!!"

December 13 - Pointing

Nora points at stuff when she wants it now.  It's the best.

Day 13: Make treats for our neighbors & friends.  We all helped!  Daddy toasted the coconut, Andlie & Haze put the liners out & helped dip pretzels, Nora got her first ride on Daddy's shoulders, and Mommy did the rest!  (And spilled an entire pan of peanut clusters on the ground!)  We made about 240 chocolates!
Today's activity also included going on a ride to look at lights while eating a Christmas treat.  We bought some Little Debbie Christmas Cakes & off we went!  It was a great Saturday together!

December 12 - Rash & Riverwoods

Poor little Hazer.  He is allergic to Amoxicillin (see here) and Omnicef.  He had a reaction to Omnicef in June (see here), but I forgot and so now we're doing it again.  He says, "Mom, I'm sorry that I have the itchies.  But they'll go away soon."  Poor little guy.  Praying for a quick recovery!

Day 12: Go on a horse & carriage ride at Riverwoods!  It wasn't even cold and we were one of the first in line, so we didn't have to wait long!  We love the horse ride!  Especially during Christmas when we can hear bells!  And Nora loves any kind of animal.  She started giggling & bouncing up & down as soon as she saw the horses!

December 11 - Kid Quotes

"Mom, I want to do my homework like And-wie."

"Look at my new gymnastics outfit!"

Day 11: Write & mail letters to Santa.

December 10 - Temple Square

Day 10: Visit Temple Square lights!  We had a wonderful time!  We were happy to have Bryce come with us!  We enjoyed seeing all the lights, the Nativity scene, and we even went in the Visitor's Center to see the Christus statue at the request of Andlie & Hazey.  

Andlie's favorite lights were the same as mine: the pink ones!  Haze liked the green ones and running around with Bryce.  Nora liked everything!  And Bryan liked all of the big yellow trees. 

The weather wasn't too cold and we had a great night together as a family at beautiful Temple Square. 

December 9 - Nora's Cute

If you say, "Ohhhhh," in an affectionate way, Nora will snuggle up to whatever she is close to.  Today she did it on the couch.  And was looking cute as ever doing it.  Picture time.  Obviously.

And then I stole another picture of her big ol' teeth when she was getting ready for her nap.

Day 9: Mail Christmas cards!  We all helped!  Andlie did the stamps, Mom did the return labels, Dad did the adress labels, Haze put them in a pile, and Nora sat on said pile.  We had a great time together!  
To see past year's cards, go here.

And, Nora strikes again!  (She was having an extra cute day today I guess.) I love her hair.  I secretly hope that piece in the back never lies flat on her head.  It's my favorite.

December 8 - Day Eight

We have been having so much fun already with our Christmas Activity Calendar!

Day 1: Watch Christmas movie.  Did it while we were all sick.
Day 2: Put up remaining Christmas decorations.  Me & Andlie did it.
Day 3: Listen to Christmas music.  Check.
Day 4: Read two Christmas books.  Done.  Drive around & look at lights.  Yep.
Day 5: Look at lights at Riverwoods & sit on Santa's lap.  Did it!
Day 6: Donate to Toys for Tots.  Went to Target where the kids each picked one toy to donate and dropped them off at the mall.
Day 7: Watched the Christmas Devotional.  Did it from home in our PJs.  Make Christmas tree hand prints.  Did it and they're darling!

Day 8: Christmas FHE - Watched "The Gift" and discussed.  And then we decorated gingerbread houses!

Nora learned a new trick while Andlie & Haze were busy with their houses.  It's called "Find Things & Throw Them Down The Stairs."  She loves it.

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 7 - Our Kids are the Best

Busted out some of our Christmas Sunday outfits today!  And then I busted out the camera.

Haze (while walking away from his food): "I'm tired."
Me (thinking he's just trying to get out of eating): "Haze, come back here & eat."
Haze: "I'm so tired!!!!"
Me: "Okay, lie down right here then."
Haze: Lies down & is snoring three minutes later.

Guess he really was tired.  My bad.

I told Andlie I was gonna pull her tooth out.  She stomped off, wrote something on her chalkboard, and came back & told me to read it.  "I don't want to.  That's one strike."

I love our kids and their cute personalities so much.