Monday, December 8, 2014

November 28 - 11 Months

Nora turned 11 months today!  She has 6 teeth – the 3rd top one just came in over Thanksgiving break.  Wears mostly size 12 months (especially in pants), but can still fit most 9-12 month stuff.  Still nurses at least 3 times per day.  Sleeps about 9-11 hours per night with a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon.  Can clap, wave bye-bye, pull herself up on furniture.  Can say: Momma, Dadda, Yay.  LOVES bathtime – splashes a storm!  Loves to hear Daddy’s voice & looks around for it immediately upon hearing it.  Puts her hand out when she sees someone & waits for them to reciprocate like she’s saying, “Hi!”  Loves to have all the attention at the dinner table & then have everyone copy her by waving our arms around furiously.  Eats 2 good table meals a day.  Likes cheese sandwiches, PB&J, mandarin oranges, chicken nuggets.  Brings joy with her wherever she goes.  Rarely gets sad.  She does get sad when she is told, “no, no!”  She frowns & does a really pathetic fake cry.  With tears & everything.  Isn’t super fond of the car.  Likes to see herself in the mirror.  Is starting to play games!  Like she’ll put things in the laundry basket, wait for me to say, “Uh oh,” pull it out, look at me, & clap!  Does this same thing with magnets on the fridge.  She can take them off & put them back on by herself & she thinks it’s pretty neat.  LOVES the Christmas tree & pulling the ornaments off.  Sweetest, happiest baby girl!! 

Today, we spent the morning in Panaca and then drove to Cedar City!  Mom, Dad, and Nora took a quick nap while Grama & Grampa took Andlie & Hazey to see some tractors!  Later, Grama & Grampa tended the kids while we went on a date!  And then we finished the day by watching "Home Alone."  Andlie was CRACKING UP.  She was laughing so hard that she was smacking her legs!  She totally ate that movie right up!  (Oh and we put Grama's  hair in pigtails.)

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