Monday, December 8, 2014

December 4 - More Sickness & Jingle Bells

Haze was freaking us out with his rapid breathing last night so he went to the doc this morning.  His oxygen level was 96 so that helped my nerves right off.  Doc said his lungs sounded like they had a cold and that both ears had a bit of an infection.  Sent us home with orders to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours as needed and some antibiotics.  Andlie went back to school this morning.  She did fine, but said her head was hurting during school.  This dang bug!  It is horrible!  Hoping we feel better & better.

Meanwhile, NoNo just roamed around looking for something to do all day.  She found some jingle bells!  They kept her busy for most of the night!  Even if she would put them down, she'd always come back to them.

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