Monday, December 8, 2014

December 5 - Feeling Better

Poor Nora finally caught it.  She has a runny nose & little fever today.  But she is still pretty happy.  Hoping she doesn't get it as bad as we have had it.  We were feeling good enough to get back to our normal lives today.  (For the most part.)  Nora was not amused by my hat selection at Target.

Andlie made a list to match mine.

Haze asked to eat his food outside on a blanket.  This was a huge improvement over the last several days.  Poor little dude has pretty much banished food since Sunday.  I'm so happy to see he is getting his appetite (and his smile) back!

Even sick Nora is happy Nora.

We felt well enough to go down to Riverwoods and look at lights and see Santa!  Andlie & Haze jumped right up & told Santa what they wanted.  Andlie told him a skateboard and Haze told him a truck.  Nora hated him & wanted off.  We had a wonderful time looking at lights & eating ice cream together!  So thankful that we are finally starting to feel normal again!

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