Friday, July 18, 2014

July 12 - Stings & Sickies

Andlie got her very first bee sting today!  Our Mama & Papa Bear insticts kicked right in!  Bryan scraped the stinger out with his credit card & I went inside for some soda paste and Benadryl.  And of course, I was ready to pack everyone up in the car & head to the ER.  But after a while, she calmed down and was pretty much just pissed at the bee.

This is Andlie's interpretation of what happened.  She drew it all by herself with no guidance from us whatsoever!  The green thing on the left is the bush the bees were in.  She was happy when the drawing first started, but you'll notice that that smile turned to a frown as the drawing progressed.  The blob on her right arm is the bee sting covered in soda paste.

And poor No.  She wasn't feeling very good today, but that never stops her from smiling.

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