Friday, July 11, 2014

July 4 - 4th of July

5:50 am: Bryan & Chandi wake up & hear wind outside.
6:20 am: Decide that they probably won't light off the hot air balloons so we don't need to rush down to the parade.
7:00 am: Daddy wakes up Andlie & Haze.  As soon as he mentions the parade, they are quick to get out of bed & put clothes on.
7:10 am: Haze decides he hates waking up early & never wants to do it again & demonstrates his feelings with crying & kicking.
7:15 am: Wake Nora up to eat.
7:35 am: Everyone has clothes on & we head out the door.
7:45 am: See several hot air balloons in the air on the way there.  Blows Haze's mind.  Haze decides he's happy again.  Andlie's pretty thrilled too.
7:55 am: Park the car & get out to watch the balloons.  Haze mentions how huge they are about sixty times in two minutes.  He keeps calling them "his balloons."  Mommy & Daddy wish we would have gotten out of bed & here earlier.
8:10 am: Since we are an hour early for the parade, we stop & take pictures with a super awesome princess float.  Andlie is star-shocked.
8:20 am: Find some seats among all of the crazies who CAMPED OUT for the parade.  We get to be part of the pre-parade action which includes Mommy, Andlie, & Haze going out to the middle of street & performing several dances (including the Chicken Dance) with lots of other kids, Mommys, and crazy people.
8:40 am: Eat breakfast that we packed & apply sunglasses & tattoos.  Nora hates her glasses on, but loves to suck on them.  Haze doesn't want any glasses near his face.
9:00 am: Parade starts!  We see big balloons (like in the Macy's parade), dancers, floats, princesses (Haze the Pimp's favorite), bagpipes, horses, and bands.  Lots of bands.  Andlie counts them.  "Oh my gosh.  Mom, that's ten bands."
10:00 am: After a half hour nap, Nora poops out of her clothes and gets some on Daddy's shirt.  Mommy takes the opportunity to change her diaper & clothes on a six inch square plot of grass that is not taken by any crazies, but surrounded by such.  (Mommy feels like a magician for getting the changing done.)  Mommy & Daddy discuss how ironic it is that Nora pooped out of the same exact outfit that Andlie wore & pooped out of at the parade during her first 4th of July.
11:00 am: Parade ends.  We are proud that we made it through the entire parade!  Back to the car & drive home.  Kids are happy to have AC blowing full blast in their faces.  Mommy & Daddy are too.

12:00 pm: Eat lunch & drink lots of cold drinks.  Also eat popsicles.  Probably 4-5 each.  Mommy & Daddy lose count, but don't care.  It's effing hot.
1:00 pm: Go get fireworks from a fireworks stand!  Hazey falls asleep on the way home.

4:00 pm: Outside!  It's still so hot!  But we are done being inside & watching "Frozen" & napping.  Ride bikes, throw poppers, complain about the heat.  Nora looks cute in her sunglasses.  Take a picture.  Hurry!  Before she gets them off!

4:30 pm: Set up the Slip 'n Slide & our pool so we can play with water!  
5:00 pm: Zac, Kenzie, & Jerzi Engle show up for our night of fun!  Kids play in the water, Chandi & Kenz to Cafe Rio for food, boys & Nora visit.  Then we all eat, play & visit until it's time to head to fireworks.
7:00 pm: Head to the temple to watch Stadium of Fire fireworks.  Stop at the gas station to get some treats.  After we arrive, we play catch, put more tattoos on, get glow sticks ready, sneak away from the group where no one can see us (okay, that was only Haze, but it happened several times and each time we found him, he had a silly, sneaky smirk on his face), and finally, watch fireworks at around 10:00 pm!  Haze sees the ones that stay in the sky & sparkle out & calls them "dirty fireworks."  He is the entertainment during the show because he keeps saying, "WOW!!  LOOK AT THAT ONE!  EWE!  THAT'S A DIRTY ONE!"
11:00 pm: After a giant fireworks show, we head home.  All the kids fall asleep on the way home.  Mommy & Daddy head right to bed after we arrive home (and have a couple treats).

We had a wonderful 4th of July!

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