Thursday, July 3, 2014

June 30 - Friends & Doctor

We snapped a picture with the Duffs this morning because they're moving on Thursday!  They have become great friends and we are super sad to see them go.  (L to R: Haze, Andlie, Nora, Jonah, Kenzlee, Mikelle, Ty)

And then this afternoon, we did something not as fun.  Nora & Haze had well check doctor appointments.  Nora got 2 shots.  She was her usual happy self up until then.  And then she cried a cry I've only heard her cry two other times - when she got shots.  It's the saddest cry.  And then later today she was back to her normal self.  She's getting so big!  And I have to agree with the doctor because he told us, "She seems pretty perfect."  He has no idea.

Haze wasn't in love with the idea of it being his turn at the doctor.  He did okay.  Until the doctor walked in the room.  He is getting big!  We sure love having our little blonde-haired, blue-eyed, happy, michevious, funny, stubborn, sweet little boy in our home!

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