Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25 - Right Now

It's pretty easy to start off my day happily when this is the first face I am greeted by.

Haze LOVES all things truck right now.  Truck toys, truck movies, truck coloring pages.  He takes at least one truck with him wherever he goes.  I love it.  (Side note: He WILL NOT use any other color besides yellow to color his trucks.)

Andlie is learning to read!  She is so smart and determined!  She is a hard worker and we are very proud of her!  We are so thankful that she loves learning!

September 24 - Faces

I don't know how or when it happened, but Andlie turned into a grown-up, beautiful girl.  (I love her Summer freckles.)  Here is the face of a sweet girl who is growing up too fast.

She loves that she can move around and get to wherever she wants to go.  Here is the face of a happy, CRAWLING baby!

Here is the face of a little boy helping his Momma get the Halloween decorations out.

Here is the face of someone who is pretty proud to be sitting on the couch like the big kids.

Here is the face of our beloved Spidey.  He has been in our family for eight years now.  He has lived with us in 2 states, 3 homes, been at our first Halloween party as newlyweds (and every party after), and made each of our babies giggle.  He's a tradition at Halloween.  He's fun to have around.

September 23 - Mom Life

I had to run some errands after we dropped Andlie off at school today.  First we went to the library and Walgreen's.  Then we had to go grocery shopping.  But I didn't want to come home and feed Nora and then get back in the car and go.  So I fed Nora in the back seat of the van in the parking lot of WalMart.  And Haze played with his cars.  #momlife

September 22 - Talents

I count it as my talent that I was finally able to take a picture of Nora's tiny, crooked, adorable two teefers!

Haze's talent today is combing Lightening McQueen's hair.  He said it needed to be done and I agreed.  He stood him on the hair-doing stool, sprayed him with the spray bottle, and combed his locks.  Then he was ready for the day.

Bryan's talent was coming home for lunch!  And making really cute babies that look like him and have his delicious, beautiful skin.

Andlie's talent is this awesome picture she drew!  It's a picture of her riding her bike.  Notice that her feet are on the pedals and she has a helmet and her glasses on.  There is also a banana tree, an apple tree, leaves falling down, and sunshine.  Along with many other beautiful things!

And Nora's talent is looking darling.  All the time.  Even when she sleeps.

September 21 - Silhouette

Bryan set up my new toy today!  I'm so excited to have a Silhouette!  I can just imagine the possibilities!  For the Silhouette's christening my first project, we made pinwheels as a family.  Let the crafting begin!

September 20 - Saturday

Andlie got her soccer pics back today!  She is definitely the cutest one on her team.  And I love her pigtails.  And she LOVES soccer.  I love that.  I hope she keeps playing.

After the game, we came home & did some cleaning.  Daddy helped Nora get in the box and then Hazey wanted to join!  He said, "Mom, look!  We're in a box!"

We cleaned and played and had a pizza picnic at the park and played tennis.  We left the park only because (in Haze's words), there was lots of "white wing!"  (Lightening.)  I think we tuckered him out.

September 19 - Funny Face

This is not a face I just happened to catch because I took the picture at the exact wrong/right moment.  It's a face that she made and held for about one full minute.  In the bottom left is the foot of a VTech Learning Bear.  (You know, the kind that laughs & sings & teaches.)  As soon as he started moving & singing, this face made its appearance.  "Mom, this bear is doing something."  "Mom, look at this guy.  Who does he think he is?"  I just had to snap a picture.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 18 - Cougar Crawl

We love Target around here.  All of us.

We went to Andlie's school's annual Cougar Crawl tonight!  It marked the end of their school fundraiser.  Andlie raised $105!  (We really do have wonderful families.)  Andlie found her long, lost BFF from preschool at the Crawl tonight!  During the fun run portion of the night, Andlie ran so fast!  She kept lapping everyone!  Meanwhile, Haze was stopping to give everyone who had a hand out high five and stopping to run through the sprinklers.  I was surprised that Haze just kept running laps by himself!  He knew where I was & would just check in after each lap.  I watched him bound around happily the entire time.  Nora was happily watching it all.  After the run, we got our faces painted!  Andlie got a cougar paw on her face and Haze got "Lighting McQueen" painted on his face!  Then we got our popsicles, did a few more laps (at Haze's request), and headed home.  It was a great event!

September 17 - Party In Nora's Crib

When I got out of the shower, Haze said, "Look, Mom!  I'm in here with Nora!"  Indeed.  Then Andlie got in too and it was a party.

She is getting too big.  I can't get enough of her soft, chubby, snuggly little self.

September 16 - Someone is 30

Poor girl had to be woken up at 11:05 this morning so we could take Andlie to school!  Nora loves her blankie.  (And look at all of her hair!)

After I opened a birthday present today, Nora hit the jackpot with her new bow toy!

 And Bryan came home with a cake this evening!  (He knows his way to my heart: chocolate & salt.)

Today was my 30th birthday!  I woke up to a movie that Bryan had made of everyone on both sides of our families telling my why they loved me.  And then he gave me a Silhouette!  He came home with flowers & decorations & a cake.  Andlie busily colored me a "surprise birthday card that I couldn't look at because she was going to surprise me with it by putting it under my pillow and I would be surprised."  She kept asking, "Mom, are you having a good birthday?"  When Bry asked the kids to sing to me, Haze came in & asked, "Mom, can you help me sing 'Happy Birthday' song to you?"  Several friends sent texts & brought gifts.  And I ended my milestone birthday with a date with my love while a neighbor tended our kids.  And just 3 days ago, my family was gathering and my Mom bought my favorite cake for me.  I feel overwhelmingly blessed.  What a blessed woman I am!

September 15 - Stages

Hazey wore his new dinosaur shirt today (at his request)!  And then I told him to show me his muscles.  And then he pulled a "Hulk Smash" fist move at the end on his own.

Nora pulls herself up to her knees!  I can't believe we're to this stage!  She was a great helper while I unpacked.

We went to Target this morning.  Haze loves to look at trucks there.  Nora loves to do anything at all.

Guess what other stage we are at?  The stage where one of our kids can read to another!  What the?!  She is in her soccer gear because we had another game tonight.  Where she scored four goals.  This girl is on fy-ah!

September 14 - In Cedar

Went to church with Grama.  Grampa sat on the stand as 1st counselor in the stake presidency!
Grama made homemade pizza for my birthday dinner.  Mmmmmmm.
Played with Grama & Grampa & Bret.  Had visits from Granny, Shennie, & Mindy.
Got to take my new quilt made by Grama home!
Drove home.  We got home around 11 pm.

We sure love Cedar City.  And SUU.  But most of all, we love being with Grama & Grampa.

September 13 - SUU Homecoming

Went to the SUU Homecoming parade.  Kids got to give Thor high fives!  Lots of family came to join us!  The kids also got to play in the bounce house & get balloon animals! Nora relaxed in the stroller during the parade.
Went & bought new SUU gear!  
Had a family get-together/party for my 30th birthday at Granny's!  Kids got to play with their cousins!
Came home & relaxed and napped with Grama & Grampa.
Went to the football game!

Great day in Cedar!  As always.

September 12 - Morning Game

Haze's first words this morning were, "Mom, can you play the Ladybug Game with me?"  And when I didn't answer quickly enough for his liking, he brought the game in to my bed so we could play.  He gets so excited every time he draws a card.  "Ah!  It says to move one space!!"  "It says three bugs!!" I love him.

We drove to Cedar City tonight and got to enjoy the Forever Red SUU Homecoming party!  As always, our favorite part was the fireworks (that Andlie got to cue again this year)!

September 11 - Picture Day

She seriously wakes up smiling & laughing.  I could learn a lesson from her.

Today was a special day!  It was Andlie's very first school picture day!  She looked pretty darling (as usual).  She told me that she loved her hair and that it "looked like Mrs. Sell's."

Hazey wanted in on the picture taking action.  I love his eyes.  And I love that this picture was taken at about 10:30 am and he is riding his bike in his jammies.

We can't leave this out: Andlie & Daddy got to go to a BYU football game tonight!  (Thanks to Daddy's work.)  Daddy said she was a perfect angel the whole time.  She loved watching everything: the marquee, the marching band, the cheerleaders, the scoreboard, the people.  She loved eating ice cream.  She was very polite and happy the entire time.  It was a very special night for Daddy.  They didn't get home until 10:30 pm and she was still wide awake and happy, happy, happy!  It took her a while to wind down.  She loves her Daddy.

Meanwhile, Mommy, Hazey, and Nora went to Chick-fil-A and played and visited and had a great time at home!  Haze loves his Momma and I love it.

September 10 - Taking Pics

Took a picture before Kindergarten this morning.  Couldn't help it.  They looked too cute.

And then Haze pulled this pose and I had to keep snapping.  He loves his truck.  It goes with us everywhere we go.  I kinda love it.

Tonight, I was finally able to hold Nora's mouth open enough to see her tiny tooth popping through.  It might have taken me lying her on the grass and forcing her mouth open, but I got it.  And she might have not liked it very much.  But she's a happy girl and recovered quickly.

September 9 - Dryer & Ladybug Game

Nora was pretty impressed with the way the dryer spun the clothes around in circles.  I was pretty impressed with its ability to hold her still.

Andlie & Haze have recently found a new love: The Ladybug Game.  They both love it.  Andlie already knew her numbers.  But I'm learning with this game that Haze knows them pretty well too!  They both follow the rules and no one screams or fights while they play!  In fact, there is a lot of nice, encouraging, complimentary talk while this game is being played.  If it was up to them, we'd play this game 24/7.  Literally.  I love hearing them play so nice and seeing them both excited about numbers.

September 8 - Posing for Pics

After we drop Andlie off at school is the time that we usually run a couple of errands.  Today's errands took us to Smith's where Haze got to drive some animals around.  That boy loves anything related to cars lately.

And after she got home, I wanted to take a picture of Andlie in her cute, new pants.  So I asked her to do a pose for me.  This is what she came up with.

And then Haze wanted me to take a picture of him.  This is the pose he chose.  (See, he loves trucks/cars.)

Later, I took a picture of Nora snuggling with me.  Because, well, darling.  She wasn't quite sure about being able to see herself on my phone.  It took a while for her to look less confused, more happy.  I just love her so much.

September 7 - Grandparent's Day

In honor of Grandparent's Day, we drew some pictures of our wonderful Grandparents.

Andlie drew Grama & Grampa (Goodwin).  Complete with "old people lines." 

And then she drew Grama & Grampa Puppy.  Complete with old people lines AND Beau by Grama's side.

Hazey took a turn.  He drew a Grama and a Grampa.  You can pick which set you want them to be.

We are very blessed to have such wonderful, amazing, perfect parents and Grandparents in our lives.  What a blessing!

Since Nora can't draw yet, she enjoyed some watermelon for all four of them tonight during our Ward Walk-About!  You can tell by the giant, pink spot on her tummy that she loved it.