Friday, September 19, 2014

September 8 - Posing for Pics

After we drop Andlie off at school is the time that we usually run a couple of errands.  Today's errands took us to Smith's where Haze got to drive some animals around.  That boy loves anything related to cars lately.

And after she got home, I wanted to take a picture of Andlie in her cute, new pants.  So I asked her to do a pose for me.  This is what she came up with.

And then Haze wanted me to take a picture of him.  This is the pose he chose.  (See, he loves trucks/cars.)

Later, I took a picture of Nora snuggling with me.  Because, well, darling.  She wasn't quite sure about being able to see herself on my phone.  It took a while for her to look less confused, more happy.  I just love her so much.

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