Friday, September 5, 2014

August 28 - 8 Months

I went to Target to buy a new shirt today while Andlie was at school.  Haze & Nora were super patient with me.  They're pretty wonderful.

And Nora wore the cutest outfit today!  The Minnie Mouse shirt that Daddy brought her from Disneyland!
But the most important thing about today is that NoNo turned 8 months old!  She is in size 3 diapers & size 9-12 month clothes.  She is sleeping great at night again!  Usually about 10-12 hours!  She loves food.  She thinks she is one of the big kids.  She laughs and smiles so easily.  She loves being outside.  She likes to eat grass and bugs (pictured).  She is still nursing 5 times per day and eats 2 meals at the table with us.  She loves playing with toys.  She is almost crawling.  She loves her brother & sister and her Mommy & Daddy.  More than anything else.  And we love her right back!

Also noteworthy from today: I went to Back to School Night.  As the parent.  It was weird and I can't believe that we're to this stage in life.

Andlie & Haze got babysat tonight by Zac, Kenzie, and Jerzi Engle.  It was the first time we'd left them with a sitter that was not family.  Ever.  And they did great!

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