Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 24 - Faces

I don't know how or when it happened, but Andlie turned into a grown-up, beautiful girl.  (I love her Summer freckles.)  Here is the face of a sweet girl who is growing up too fast.

She loves that she can move around and get to wherever she wants to go.  Here is the face of a happy, CRAWLING baby!

Here is the face of a little boy helping his Momma get the Halloween decorations out.

Here is the face of someone who is pretty proud to be sitting on the couch like the big kids.

Here is the face of our beloved Spidey.  He has been in our family for eight years now.  He has lived with us in 2 states, 3 homes, been at our first Halloween party as newlyweds (and every party after), and made each of our babies giggle.  He's a tradition at Halloween.  He's fun to have around.

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