Friday, September 19, 2014

September 18 - Cougar Crawl

We love Target around here.  All of us.

We went to Andlie's school's annual Cougar Crawl tonight!  It marked the end of their school fundraiser.  Andlie raised $105!  (We really do have wonderful families.)  Andlie found her long, lost BFF from preschool at the Crawl tonight!  During the fun run portion of the night, Andlie ran so fast!  She kept lapping everyone!  Meanwhile, Haze was stopping to give everyone who had a hand out high five and stopping to run through the sprinklers.  I was surprised that Haze just kept running laps by himself!  He knew where I was & would just check in after each lap.  I watched him bound around happily the entire time.  Nora was happily watching it all.  After the run, we got our faces painted!  Andlie got a cougar paw on her face and Haze got "Lighting McQueen" painted on his face!  Then we got our popsicles, did a few more laps (at Haze's request), and headed home.  It was a great event!

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