Friday, September 5, 2014

August 19 - A Tuesday

Andlie got some new headbands for school this morning.  Haze wanted to try one on with her.  His seemed to turn him into a ninja while Andlie's seemed to turn her into a beautiful Kindergartener.

And then, in the blink of an eye, I was at Andlie's Kindergarten assessment with her first ever homework assignment.  The star to her right is her first school assignment.  It says, "An Adjective: Smart, My Name: Andlie, Grade: K"  She did great at her assessment, she loves her teacher, and she is thrilled with her classroom.  There's no changing her mind about how awesome school is now.

Bryce came over for dinner tonight!  He's the best uncle!  He was skipping with the kids, dancing with them, and even giving them skateboard rides!  We love when he visits!

 Meanwhile, Nora played with a new favorite toy - a wisk.  She was waving it around & talking to it like it was her new BFF.

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