Friday, August 15, 2014

August 14 - Quiet

I love Nora's soft hands on my skin.  I love the quietness & stillness feeding her brings.  I love that I am the only one who can calm her.  I love that she falls asleep when I tickle her neck while she eats.  I love watching her little mouth & ears move.  I love that she giggles & kicks her legs quickly when she knows it's coming.  I love the feeling of my sweet baby snuggled up close to me.  I love to look at, I mean really look, at her tiny feet & hands & arms & elbow dimples & eyelashes. I love being her Mommy.  I love breastfeeding.

August13 - Close Ups

August 12 - Injas, Playdough, & Smiles

These guys played "Injas" for a long time this morning!  (Read: Ninjas.)   Their "swords" were tucked safely away in their pants until they needed to use them for some sweet ninja moves.

Later today, Haze had so much fun with his playdough!  He came in with a "nose beard" on and graciously offered me one too.  I love his imagination.

I just don't know what we did without her sweetness in our home.

August 11 - 8 Years!

This is what little Hazey Buddy does every morning when he wakes up.  Comes up to my bed (where I'm usually still sleeping), grabs a book, hops in bed, waits for me to "open" the covers for him, and just quietly lies in bed next to me without saying a word.  It's one of my favorite things.  

Guys, Nora is so happy.  About all the things.  Today she was happy because I was looking at her.  I couldn't stop the camera. 

And most importantly today, we celebrated 8 years of wedded bliss!   Bryan's tribute to me on Facebook:
Celebrating 8 years of marriage to this beautiful woman. To say I am lucky to have her is the worlds greatest understatement.  Chandi, thank you for making me a better person. I love you so much!
And mine to him:
He's hilarious, witty, smart, dedicated, a hunk of burnin' love, practically perfect in every way. I am the luckiest girl. I loved him 8 years ago and I love him more today and every day.

I took balloons & cookies to him at work.  When I got home, the florist was waiting in our driveway to give me flowers that B sent to me at home!  (A little "Gift of the Magi"-ish if you ask me.)  We exchanged gifts.  He got an Angels flat bill hat.  I got a piano book & a memory foam pillow.  Took the family to Red Robin for dinner.  Took some alfies (anniversary selfies).  And I can't talk about the rest on the internet.  I love him to the moon & back and I know he feels the same about me.  See here for past anniversary pics. 

August 10 - New Things

Haze wore his new shoes today.  He said they "make him run so fast!"  And then kept demonstrating to everyone that would listen at church.  Andlie got to show off her new haircut while she lead the motto (by herself)!  And NoNo wore shoes for the very first time today!  Naturally, we had to take a picture.

August 9 - Posing

She got a back to school haircut today.  This is the before pic.  I love how her little personality shines through.  The way she posed her arm.  Her cute glasses that she loves.  Her sparkly eyes.  Hip poking out.  Happy smile.  She's the best.

August 8 - Cute Ones

Soaking up the last few weeks of Summer.  It seems like she should be getting ready to turn two.  Not getting ready for Kindergarten.

"Mom, look!  I a cwown!"

I'd say we got some pretty cute kids.

Friday, August 8, 2014

August 7 - The Day in Pics

 Now that's some bed head!

 Someone puts his own shoes on now days.

 And apparently, this is his new smile.

 Nora rode in the pink umbrella stroller for the first time today.  I'd say she liked it.

Spent a couple hours outside enjoying some beautiful Summer weather this afternoon.
 And then tried on our sweet TMNT masks on.  (We got them for Daddy & his friends.)

 Andlie holds Nora like a real life Mother now.

And Nora is eating big people food by herself now.  Next thing I know, she'll be in college.  Time is moving too fast for my liking.

August 6 - Polka Dots

 She loves this blankie from Lenzi.  It's colorful & full of texture.  What else does a baby girl need?

 Matching polka dot shirts!

Maybe she thinks some food will come out?

August 5 - Fishing

Went fishing today.  In our boat.  With paperclip/magnetic real fish.  Spent at least two full happy hours having fun with this game!  Even Nora was having fun.  (But when isn't she?)  If you have paperclips, magnets, and ribbon lying around your house, I highly recommend this activity.

August 4 - Things We Love

Someone is starting to love (and be pretty good at) eating time!

 My little artists are really enjoying painting lately!  Haze is even staying in the lines and loving it!  My favorite thing about this picture are their two tiny tongues.
These two are totally gonna worry someone with mad faces like this.  We love making all kinds of crazy faces around here.

August 3 - Quiet Sunday

 Haze stayed home from church because he "needed to throw up in a bowl."  I love that he still holds my hand if it's close by.

Today we enjoyed a quiet Sunday.  We relaxed, watched "America's Funniest Videos," ate food, made brownies, ate them.  We were just home together.  And it was wonderful.

August 2 - Day 15/The End

Took some pictures of the grandkids with Grama & Grampa this morning!  Between the two of us, me & Mandy probably took 20 pictures.  About two of them turned out.  Went to Joann to pick out some fabric for my wedding quilt to be made by my Mom!  (So excited about this!)  Haze had a pretty good chuckle about something on the way there!  Then he turned into a unicorn when we got back home.  Grama & Grampa bought Andlie her very first new outfit for Kindergarten (they let her pick it herself).  By 2:00, everyone had left & our house was quiet.  I guess the last two weeks did Haze in because he fell asleep sitting up at Target.  But then he came back upstairs around 10:30, quietly put his new hat on, and sat on the couch to watch the tube without saying a word.

We had a great time with family and we were sad to see our Summer Adventure come to an end today!  But we are happy to be together as a family in our own home again.  Home, sweet home, indeed!

August 1 - Day 14 & Nightstand

Went to Krispy Kreme & watched the donuts get made!  And had some delicious hot ones.  Headed to the mall for story time at the Disney Store.  Met up with Granny, Shennie, Mindy and took some pics.  Headed to Zurcher's with them (where Nora took her first real ride in a shopping cart) and then said good-bye.  Naptime.  Went to Target while Daddy took a nap.  Welcomed Grampa!  Played outside & ate pizza for dinner.  Went to the baseball game!  Nora magically learned to feed herself during the game.  Perfect weather.  Perfect company.

While I was feeding Nora in our bed tonight, I looked over at my nightstand and smiled.  The funky lamp is from Bryan (and it has a dried rose from him tied around the top).  He's my most favorite person in the world.  There's a cough drop permanently stuck to it that Haze tries to pull of every time he sees it because "it's candy."  Nora's bink and her ring toy sit in the front and remind me how much I love having a baby in our home.  Andlie's glasses are next.  She's pretty smart and getting to be pretty sassy & determined.  And I'm proud of her for it.  Behind her glasses are a couple stray puzzle pieces that Haze handed to me because he got distracted by something more fun & wanted to save the pieces for later.  The sparkly bracelet is a gift.  It has beads from both of my great grandmothers' jewelry and was made by my Mom & my aunt.  And then above my nightstand is a clothesline full of pictures and cards made just for "Mommy" or "wife."  I love my life.  And looking at my nightstand tonight filled me with love & gratitude.

July 31 - Day 13

Went to Riverwoods (where we were joined by Granny, Shennie, Mindy) and played on the kids jungle gym, mini bowling, and at the splash pad.  Nora finally warmed up to Mandy!  Relaxed & played at home.  Grama, Mand, & Daisey headed to the mall so we could WELCOME DADDY HOME!  Went swimming at Granny, Shennie, & Mindy's hotel.  Stayed up too late, came home, and went straight to bed.  Me & B finally got to sleep in our own bed next to each other for the first time in 12 days!

July 30 - Day 12

 We may be home, but the party is just getting started!  Built a fort & Grama read books in it!  Mandy & Daisey arrived!  Nora glared at Mand.  Andlie & Daisey wore matching outfits!  Haze & Daisey bonded by sharing their pride in their recent potty-trained-ness.  Went to the mall & explored for a while.  Ate homemade pizza with Granny, Shennie, & Mindy.  Everyone except me, Nora, Granny, & Shennie (including Bryce) went to the park while I cleaned & unpacked.  Bedtime!  Me, Mand, & Mom stayed up & watched, "Say Yes to the Dress."

And where is Daddy?  He's in Disneyland!  At a work conference (July 26-July 31).

July 29 - Day 11

Spent the morning doing puzzles & relaxing with Grama while I packed up the van.  Made it to home, sweet home (through ANOTHER rainstorm) by dinnertime.  Everyone was so happy to be home!  Haze went straight for his bike.  Andlie went straight to the big field.  Nora could not stop smiling & even giggled when I took her in her room.  Grama, Andlie, & Haze went to the park while me & Nora went grocery shopping.  (After being gone for 10 days, the cupboards start to look like Mother Hubbard.)  So happy to be home.  And even happier that Daddy left personalized notes for each one of us.

July 28 - Day 10 & Seven Months

Nora turned 7 months today.  What in the fastest seven months ever!?  Size 9 month clothes & size 3 diapers.  Doesn’t wear shoes.  Wakes up once in the night (which is an improvement from the 2-4 times she started waking up at about 6 months) usually around 5 am.  Has a good solid 3-4 hour nap and maybe another short one in the morning.  Still happy, happy, happy!  Starting to like solids more & more.  Faves seem to be sweet potatoes.  Really enjoys the food meshy thing – loves to eat frozen bananas from it.  Loves graham crackers.  Wants to be part of everything.  Loves baths in the big girl tub.  Loves her brother & sister.  Scooting all over & spinning around to get to what she wants.  Still no teeth.  Is pretty proud of her shaking her head “no” trick.  Talks & babbles – happily & loudly.  Can get anyone to smile.  Pure joy.  Can never get enough of her squished nose smile, juicy skin, pretty eyes, laughs, or her huge gummy smile.

Today, we woke up deciding that we'd better head home, but changed our minds at about lunchtime.  Not before Haze gave me a visual of how huge his poop was.  Had to get a pic with Haze & Odie.  Haze just loves dogs.  All of them.  Andlie learned how to do a front flip on the trampoline while we were in Cedar.  A legit one.  Spent the evening preparing for our movie night with Grama & Grampa by popping popcorn and making carmel corn.  Nora was so tired from our trip to this point that she fell asleep when I laid her down to change her diaper.  Like instantly.  Finished the night by watching "Puss in Boots" with Grama and Grampa.

July 27 - Day 9


Spent some good, quality time relaxing & playing in bed this morning.  We weren't gonna go, but decided to drive to St. George for Clint's farewell last minute.  I love the red rock!  Beautiful scenery.  During Sacrament, I told Andlie to go play copy-cat with Bret.  So she walked up to him & started doing jumping jacks.  Right during the meeting.  I forgot to specify that she should play drawing copy-cat.  Went to Michelle's house for the farewell luncheon & laughed with the Goodwins for a while.  Drove back to Cedar.  Me & my Dad got to see the Blue Angels as we left.  (The others didn't get to see them because they were in the back seat.)  Drove through a huge rainstorm!  Took some four-wheeler rides with Bret.  Took cute pictures of cute Nora.

July 26 - Day 8

Daddy woke up & left so he could catch his flight to California for his work conference. He was gone by 7:00 am (NV time).  We woke up, ate, packed our van, and headed to Grama & Grampa's house.  (Karen & Nora wore matching shirts.)  Then we went to the parade with Tony, Leslie, Kadri, Sander, and Grama Puppy!  We had great seats and scored tons of candy!  Then we said good-bye to Panaca & drove back to Cedar City (through a pretty big thunderstorm) where Grama & Grampa were anxiously awaiting our arrival!  Went to the Discovery Park.  Haze taught me how to say it: "Mom, can you say Discobery Place?"  Stopped & took a picture of the rock where I was proposed to 8 years ago.  Had baths and went to bed.  We were all pooped.

July 25 - Day 7

Woke up to our alarm at 6:00 am and then woke the kids up (who were all still SOUND asleep).  Headed to the high school to see the hot air balloons!  They never arrived.  Thumbs down to that.  Headed to the pancake breakfast where we met up with Grama & Grampa Puppy.  Went to the craft fair/petting zoo!  Had fun petting the animals - especially the pony (who tried to eat Andlie's arm during the photo).  Bryan worked the soap booth (Grama's homemade soap) at the fair while me & the kids went to Shennie's air conditioned house & had lunch and a nap.  A very much needed nap.  For all.  Woke up & headed to the dedication of the statue!  During the dedicatory prayer, Haze did indeed fold his arms, but he kept his eyes wide open & marched around as well.  Enjoyed a family BBQ at Grama & Grampa's house.  Sat on Daddy's motorcycle that lives there.  Went & played at the park with Jenny & Graeson and Tony, Leslie, Kadri, & Sander.  Tried to go see the hot air balloon flicker after it got dark.  Weren't there again.  Had fun dancing & singing at the outdoor concert anyway.  Headed home & went to bed.

July 24 - Day 6

Woke up & drove to Panaca where we met up with the entire family - Tony & Leslie and gang, Paul & Jenny and gang, and Grama & Grampa Puppy (and Beau)!  Me, Andlie, & Hazey went swimming with Leslie, Kadri, Sander, Jenny, & Graeson!  (I had to buy a swimming suit at the store since I forgot mine.  It was 2 sizes too small & the very last one in the store, but it worked.)  Enjoyed a drive around town and a quick stop to the store.  Poor Nora had a pretty good fever most of the day so she was pretty sad.  We kept her full of medicine & tried to keep her as cool as possible with rags & fans.  Grandma & Grandpa Allen, Lydia & Betsy, Karen & Ken, and Weston & Cara joined us in preparation for the 150 year celebration of Panaca!  The kids enjoyed trying to catch fish at the spring and playing at the park with Daddy while I stayed back with Nora and visited the family.