Friday, August 8, 2014

July 26 - Day 8

Daddy woke up & left so he could catch his flight to California for his work conference. He was gone by 7:00 am (NV time).  We woke up, ate, packed our van, and headed to Grama & Grampa's house.  (Karen & Nora wore matching shirts.)  Then we went to the parade with Tony, Leslie, Kadri, Sander, and Grama Puppy!  We had great seats and scored tons of candy!  Then we said good-bye to Panaca & drove back to Cedar City (through a pretty big thunderstorm) where Grama & Grampa were anxiously awaiting our arrival!  Went to the Discovery Park.  Haze taught me how to say it: "Mom, can you say Discobery Place?"  Stopped & took a picture of the rock where I was proposed to 8 years ago.  Had baths and went to bed.  We were all pooped.

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