Friday, August 8, 2014

July 28 - Day 10 & Seven Months

Nora turned 7 months today.  What in the fastest seven months ever!?  Size 9 month clothes & size 3 diapers.  Doesn’t wear shoes.  Wakes up once in the night (which is an improvement from the 2-4 times she started waking up at about 6 months) usually around 5 am.  Has a good solid 3-4 hour nap and maybe another short one in the morning.  Still happy, happy, happy!  Starting to like solids more & more.  Faves seem to be sweet potatoes.  Really enjoys the food meshy thing – loves to eat frozen bananas from it.  Loves graham crackers.  Wants to be part of everything.  Loves baths in the big girl tub.  Loves her brother & sister.  Scooting all over & spinning around to get to what she wants.  Still no teeth.  Is pretty proud of her shaking her head “no” trick.  Talks & babbles – happily & loudly.  Can get anyone to smile.  Pure joy.  Can never get enough of her squished nose smile, juicy skin, pretty eyes, laughs, or her huge gummy smile.

Today, we woke up deciding that we'd better head home, but changed our minds at about lunchtime.  Not before Haze gave me a visual of how huge his poop was.  Had to get a pic with Haze & Odie.  Haze just loves dogs.  All of them.  Andlie learned how to do a front flip on the trampoline while we were in Cedar.  A legit one.  Spent the evening preparing for our movie night with Grama & Grampa by popping popcorn and making carmel corn.  Nora was so tired from our trip to this point that she fell asleep when I laid her down to change her diaper.  Like instantly.  Finished the night by watching "Puss in Boots" with Grama and Grampa.

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