Friday, August 8, 2014

July 21 - Day 3

Nora woke up happy after finally getting a pretty decent night's sleep!  Played with the big red puppet.  All three kids got a pretty big thrill out of it.  Andlie made a list of things to do ("swim, park/pizza, snorkel, snowcone").  She also played a prank on Bret by gathering all of Nora's dirty diapers from the hall & lining them up outside of Bret's door so he'd have to walk through them to get to his room.  She thought she was pretty hilarious & did her nose-wrinkle, snorting laugh when discussing it. Nora continued to show Grampa extra smiles.  Went swimming with Jarica, Cambrie, Braylee, and Dallin!  Had a pizza picnic at the park with the Bensons. 

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