Friday, August 8, 2014

July 25 - Day 7

Woke up to our alarm at 6:00 am and then woke the kids up (who were all still SOUND asleep).  Headed to the high school to see the hot air balloons!  They never arrived.  Thumbs down to that.  Headed to the pancake breakfast where we met up with Grama & Grampa Puppy.  Went to the craft fair/petting zoo!  Had fun petting the animals - especially the pony (who tried to eat Andlie's arm during the photo).  Bryan worked the soap booth (Grama's homemade soap) at the fair while me & the kids went to Shennie's air conditioned house & had lunch and a nap.  A very much needed nap.  For all.  Woke up & headed to the dedication of the statue!  During the dedicatory prayer, Haze did indeed fold his arms, but he kept his eyes wide open & marched around as well.  Enjoyed a family BBQ at Grama & Grampa's house.  Sat on Daddy's motorcycle that lives there.  Went & played at the park with Jenny & Graeson and Tony, Leslie, Kadri, & Sander.  Tried to go see the hot air balloon flicker after it got dark.  Weren't there again.  Had fun dancing & singing at the outdoor concert anyway.  Headed home & went to bed.

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