Friday, August 8, 2014

July 19 - Summer Adventure: Day 1

Today was the start of our two week Summer adventure!  We left Daddy at home this morning and made it to Cedar around 3:00.  We had a pretty good trip!  Haze wore "crispy unders" and Nora slept.  Until Beaver where everything sorta came un-glued.  Haze had to get woken up so we could go inside so Andlie could pee.  He hates to be woken up and he was making that fact known to everyone within two miles.  Which made Nora sad.  Which made Andlie sad.  Which made me sweat.  When we finally got back to the car, I realized that Nora had pooped up her back so we changed her, got everyone some food, and made it to Cedar without further incident.

After unpacking & dressing up, we spent the evening with Grama & Grampa in New Harmony at Boyd & Paige's beautiful wedding.  We had only one incident, but it ended the game for us.  Poor little Haze folded up in his folding chair & hit his head on the hard floor.  Or as he would say, "I sit on my chair and then BAM!!!  And now I hurt my head."

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