Friday, August 8, 2014

July 24 - Day 6

Woke up & drove to Panaca where we met up with the entire family - Tony & Leslie and gang, Paul & Jenny and gang, and Grama & Grampa Puppy (and Beau)!  Me, Andlie, & Hazey went swimming with Leslie, Kadri, Sander, Jenny, & Graeson!  (I had to buy a swimming suit at the store since I forgot mine.  It was 2 sizes too small & the very last one in the store, but it worked.)  Enjoyed a drive around town and a quick stop to the store.  Poor Nora had a pretty good fever most of the day so she was pretty sad.  We kept her full of medicine & tried to keep her as cool as possible with rags & fans.  Grandma & Grandpa Allen, Lydia & Betsy, Karen & Ken, and Weston & Cara joined us in preparation for the 150 year celebration of Panaca!  The kids enjoyed trying to catch fish at the spring and playing at the park with Daddy while I stayed back with Nora and visited the family.

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