Friday, May 2, 2014

April 28 - 4 Months

Nora is 4 months old today!  I know it's so cliche, but time really does go so fast!  Recently, Nora learned how to escape the swaddle blanket!  Much like our other two babies, she is a Hoodini baby!  Here's some highlights from the last month.

Nora moved out of Mommy & Daddy's room (sniff, sniff) and in to her own room & crib!  She loves it and seems super comfy and happy to have her own bed.
She got her first sickie.  She had a cold & fever for a couple of days and is still working on that dang cough.  Through it all, she continues to be pleasant & happy.
She switched to size 2 diapers!
She moved up to size 3-6 month clothes!  All of the 0-3 month are definitely too small now.  She has some serious thighs on her!
She rolled over!  Tummy to back!  She is pretty close to doing back to tummy.
She talks and coos all day long!  And loudly!  But in a girly way.  No grunts or growls.  Only darling, high-pitched noises.  She loves to talk and it's pretty freaking darling.
She always has her hands in her mouth.  I think she prefers them over her bink.

Nora is the happiest, most pleasant, sweetest little thing.  She rarely gets too mad and when she does, she is pretty easy to calm.  She is content to just sit & watch us do whatever we're doing.  She smiles pretty easily on command, but especially when she sees Mommy.  Although Daddy is the one who can usually get her calm & sleeping pretty fast.  She loves to snuggle with Daddy.  She is sleeping about 8-9 hours and then another 3-4 at night after she eats!  She is an absolute JOY to have in our home and we're continually grateful she's ours!

And in other news, Andlie & Hazey got new jammies tonight!

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