Friday, May 9, 2014

May 7 - Rainy Day

Nora recently found a new toy - her cute toesies!

"Don't touch my toys.  Any of them.  I am playing with all of them."

It rained almost all day today so we spent most of it inside.  Haze had to get his outside fix, so I caught him several times standing on the back porch letting the rain fall on his hands.

Tonight we went to Menchie's to get some ice cream with Bryce.  (After a full day of playing with him, of course.)  Andlie was sad because I didn't buy her a Menchie's pencil.  Then Haze needed his poop changed and the diaper bag was in the car.  Of course.  So I went and got the poo out of his diaper with some TP and then went back to the table.  By now, Nora was starting to notice that she was stuck in her car seat & that she didn't like that.  At this point, Haze decided my diaper change sucked & started yelling, "Itch my bum!" over and over.  My yogurt was half melted.  We picked our treats up & left.  Haze cried all the way home & beyond and then fell totally asleep on Bryce from throwing such a fit.  And all the while, Andlie was her usual tender, sweet self.  I let her stay up late with me as a reward.

We had a good day.  It was kinda hard to be stuck inside all day & the Menchie's fiasco was a little rough, but Bryce was around to help and we had a fun day playing with toys & reading books.  We missed Daddy again.  I missed him extra.

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