Friday, May 9, 2014

May 8 - Bryce Leaves & Daddy Comes (Kinda)

Bryce had to leave this morning. We were sad to see him go.  He was such a help & the kids had so much fun with him!

This picture shows so much of Haze's personality.  He came inside & said, "Mom, can I have new pants?  My pants are wet."  I said, "How'd they get wet?"  "I stepped in the pool."  And then he went back outside, pulled the water toys out one by one (full of water), placed them on the sidewalk, and stepped on them with his socks still on & watched the water run out of them.  I love to watch his little boy brain work.

"Guys, let's send a cute picture to Daddy."

Daddy was supposed to be home tonight.  Standing in our house at 9:30 pm.  His flight didn't even leave MN until 11:30 pm due to weather.  He landed at midnight in Denver & had to wait until 9:55 am for a flight to SLC so he spent his night at the airport.  Lame.  We miss him so much.

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