Friday, May 9, 2014

May 6 - Happy Day

Hazey has been sick with diarrhea for a week & today was the first day that he was really feeling better.  When I saw him riding his bike as fast as little legs would carry him and then I saw this michevious smile on his face, I knew he was back.

Andlie spent some time making this sweet mask tonight.  She did it all by herself.  She loves art & creating and she's pretty good at it.

Look who's getting so good in her Bumbo!  She's also starting to put everything in her mouth and can even put her own bink back in!

We had a great day today!  We missed Daddy like crazy, but we kept busy playing & reading & making bird feeders/  We played outside a lot.  Bryce took the kids to the park this morning and then rode scooters & bikes with them for a long time this afternoon.  We went on a little walk this evening and got stuck in a pretty big rain storm.  Bryce carried Haze home and he fell asleep on the way even though his face was getting soaked with water.  He must've been pretty comfy on Uncle Brycie.  When we got home, Haze's face was dripping wet.  (I should mention that Haze got rid of his bink on April 25 & sorta got rid of his afternoon nap around the same time so he is one tired boy by bedtime.)  Bryce loves our kids, but they love him more!

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