Friday, May 9, 2014

May 4 - Park

We spent another couple of hours at the park today.  It feels so nice to be outside in the sunshine!  Nora loves being outside.  Especially when she's under a tree or when someone is giving her their undivided attention.  She was totally telling me a story in the top pic.  It was probably about the time that she came with me to Relief Society and was so cute and smiley and happy and giggly that she was distracting an entire row of ladies behind us and making them giggle and talk back to her in loud, baby voices so we had to leave.  That happened today.

Something pretty crazy happened while we were at the park today.  Andlie did the monkey bars all by herself!  No help at all!  Several times!  She is super proud because now she can "do everything at the park all by herself!"  (Including pump herself high on the swings.)  We're pretty proud of her too!  She is getting so big.

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