Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 15 - Last Day of Preschool

Andlie had her last day of preschool today.  I have to say that I held it together pretty well.  I said (in a super sad tone), "Andlie, it's your last day of preschool!  Are you so sad?"  She said, "Mom!  It's Summer now and then I get to go to Kindergarten!"  Also, she chose the shirt with a heart on it because "she loves preschool and she loves her preschool friends."  I can't say enough about how grateful we are for her preschool experience & for her wonderful teacher - Mrs. Kelley.  It was a direct answer to prayer.  Our Andlie is confident and happy and loves school now!  We are truly thankful.  What a wonderful school year it's been!

This year, her class "went bananas for reading."  Every time she read a book at home, she got to take a banana to school.  This year, she read 256 books!  And she is even starting to read on her own!

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