Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 12 - Eye Doctor

Andlie had an eye doctor appointment today.  She knows the drill very well by now - she's been three times before. And she's been patching her right eye every day for two hours for almost five months!  She was ready to be done!  Good news!  She is done patching!  The doctor said the patching has worked and her left eye is as strong as her right eye now!  (With her glasses on.)  He said she just needs to be sure & continue to wear her glasses & she should be good to go!  She was so happy to hear that we didn't have to patch any more!  We go back for another exam in September.

While Andlie was in the chair, Haze was busy with this tractor.  And by busy I mean slamming it into the wall & laughing.

When we got home, Nora was so happy to hear that Andlie didn't have to patch any more!  (And super happy to be out of her car seat.)

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